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  • Birthday 02/24/1986

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    Saginaw, TX

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    MIA clan
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    Battlefield 2142
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  1. server.cfg
  2. and it says it will autobalance in 15 seconds?
  3. it already is set to that
  4. We are having issues with autobalance. It says that it will autobalance when the next round starts. ive been in other server where it says it will autobalance in 15 seconds. how do you get it to do this?
  5. i have the same problem on all of our servers. I made a post about it a while back but got no response from anybody. sucks that you have the same issue, but im glad its not just me thats having problems can somebody help us out please?
  6. currently you wont be banned, because i know a couple regulars on our servers have it installed. so you are safe unless punkbuster decides they want to make it illegal
  7. We have been having some issues with autobalance on our servers. It is turned on the server config file and if the teams are unbalanced it says it will rebalance them at the end of the round. The problem is that people can freely switch in the middle of the round and make the teams horribly uneven. like 15 v 3. then nobody wants to switch over and help the losing team so the server dies. can anybody help me out please?
  8. I downloaded the sample pbsv config and copied the pbss setting to my pbsc.cfg file I restarted the server, but for some reason there are still no screenshots. does anybody know whats wrong? heres the code:
  9. Clan Name: Mercenaries International Alliance Clan Tag: [MIA] Server IP: Game: BF2142 WEB Site: www.miacalan.net
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