Ok, on the 22.08 i was playing on a Mountain Ambush server (Mountain Ambush Geeks -ACI), when suddenly i was kicked, when i tried to return it said i was banned from the server, i have played on thier server more then once, and also with thier admins and never was kicked, so i thought might be a mistake and went to thier forums to find out, what i found out was this: (http://www.hazardaaclan.com)
Current Info
They said they havent banned me, and that i was kicked automaticly, cuase of this ban i have, and they personaly couldnt mind anything wrong, and the reason why i was banned was cuase of:
->PBSV: MD5Tool ["System/readme.txt" SZ3108 AT0 LEN2048 DD589AA1E144B6AD6D62427223680755] from (slot# 4) =BOA=[-CoNc3pT^]
->PBSV: VIOLATION (MD5TOOL) #9002: =BOA=[-CoNc3pT^] (slot #4) MD5Tool Mismatch: System/readme.txt (len=2048) [6b9231be4d5fb226eaabba14d8be1cf7(-)]
Now, i am pretty sure i know what i had this kick, when i was playing i all of a sudden started getting kicked for some violation, and it kicked me from a lot of server after 20 min of playing sometimes even less, but it didnt ban me, i never had that before , and i didnt realy know what was it, one day i went on an insurgent camp server, and the admin there toled me to check if i have any readme files in my system folder, wich arent suppose to be there i guess, when i went and checked i found a readme file in my system folder, i opened it, And what i found out is that was a readme file that u sometimes get when u download games from dif sites, and it had the place where i downloaded the game, and some other advertising, i deleted the readme like the admin said and i wasnt getting kicked anymore.
I have been playing in this game since 1.6 and i have never ever cheated( i guess a lot of ppl say that, so i dont expact you to belive me), all i want is for you guys to give this a good carefull look, as everyone that saw this including my clan and the Mountain ambush clan i have posted on the forums said they dont see why i am banned, i know they arent wrong, ill be fine with whatever you guys decide, it is your right, but i have done nothing wrong, nor did i try to do anything wrong, so plz have a good carefull look into this.
Ty in advance, and for your time
LoKo Aka =BOA=(.CoNcepT^)