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About nameless

  • Birthday 04/14/1965

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    Wuppertal, Germany

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  • Game Played
    Battlefield 2
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  1. had a question in a german board regarding running hyptools for bf2142 after patch 1.4. question is: is someone running hyptools on their bf2142 server successfully after the 1.4 patch for bf2142 or is the program useless cause the developers shut down their website ?? thanks nameless
  2. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) both thumbs up !!!!!!!!!! best of both worlds. GREAT WORK MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Hi, does somebody of the admins or staff know, how long the response times for a troubleticket at eb are? i opened a ticket at 5th Dec (sorry, can't link to the post regarding the cause for the ticket here because with the violation i gave back my pb-admin status in our clan. moreover our clan changed the gsp in the meantime and the streaming to pbbans wasn't reestablished so i can't link to the post in the protected forum area cause i haven't access to this anymore) with the last, and most important (log files etc.), reply on 19th Dec (sending a mail and making a post). till now i haven't got a read or deliver receipt for my mail nor have i got an answer on my replys from 4th and 11th Jan where i asked for a deliver or read receipt for this mail (cause otherwise i doesn't know if they got the mail and the issue is carried on). i know, that i'm, for sure, not the only guy with an open tt at eb but i also know for sure, that i would get a heavy kick in the butt from my boss if i kept a customer waiting for an answer for nearly 4 weeks. is that a normal practice at eb or did i have to wait another 4 weeks, or maybe more, before i get an answer from them (if i get one at all)?
  4. most of the game servers only have a private access via ftp (4netplayers in germany) or an adequate tool (like clanforge for mpuk). there is no chance to give someone public access to the ss unless the admin setup an account for you. i don't think that many admins will give you an account for their game server.
  5. Seems to me that a lot of people complaining about kicks for this violation in last few weeks. If you only ask for, if it is a valid violation the answer is 99,9 out of 100 yes; if you want to prove your innocence ask, if there is a method or program which is able to help you to verify, that this kick is a false posititve.
  6. I have the same problem with BF2 with a gamehack-kick, which i believe is a false positive under some circumstancs. If you are truly innocent open a new ticket and ask them for a tool, which is available by EB, to prove your innocence. State, that you believe you have been kicked for a false positive. Maybe that would help you out. Good luck.
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