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Everything posted by Canibal

  1. man i'm not gonna buy a new game if i got banned for nothing and even if i got banned for something i wouldn't and i'm not gonna explain my situation life to you or anyone
  2. Hi all thx foxdie for answered but my legal cd key is global banned i got a keygen so it's ok but i would to understand how i could be caught for hack without using hack this pbss is weird what about black bands in the middle of the screen and what about grafics that are so black but the character so lighing i would never play with a shit like that also modelhack is guns and/or characters lighing and you can see it into walls there are no kind of stuffs like that on my ss i use the gammamodel pk3 file it's allow on many servers and isn't on some osp ones but it just kicked you of the server nothing about global ban so is this file can to be detected like a cheat by PB and need a global banned (on crazy server where it happened) and others? i'm just trying to understand what happened EaK isn't a cheat clan (the guy caugh for cvar violation been kicked out) and i'm not cheatin neither that's a too easy way for some fucked up loosers to say "canibal caugh for hack on PB blabla" so i try to get some explanation about how it is possible Peace
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