Thanks for your answer, now to the whole story about this.
A player in Sweden get caught for cheating on a server in UK.
She appeal the ban at punksbusted and they removed it.
Ban on pbbans http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=30229
She claim it was a german hacker that got assigned her guid.
Admin on the server that caught her say this ("I`ll keep as simple as poss ...on 12th july master server crashed and this somehow let guids be assigned to other players and
unfortunatley it looks like a hacker in germany got assigned her guid while server was down and she also recieves ban....")
This thing is a big issue among cod2 players in sweden, is she a cheater or not?
I have tried to find a explanation for this because if she is innocent other players can get into the same thing!
Any thought about this issue?