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Everything posted by bpcZoD

  1. Ok in light of past issues We have terminated the clan member from our team and posted a letter about his removal from the clan. He has no access to any files, rcon or gameservers admin access. Our clan was re-instated with a new punksbusted account. I want to see if since we nolonger have the admin in the clan if its possible to get a new account for our servers here also. The server will be under my supervision and mine alone. Im only asking since punksbusted let me start a new stream. So i assume you may do the same. If so tell me what i need to do to get a new account. If not then tell me why we cannot since the issue with the team member is now resolved.
  2. Thanks i already banned the guy it was a wallhack
  3. Be careful setting this due to some pbcvar configs making it a violation to use more then 20. As i have been kicked from my own server for having mine set to 21.
  4. With recent events leading to our servers loss of streamed pb.Is it still possible to have ss's admitted for review?
  5. You do not have any idea what i was saying. I made a post in the fourms here asking how i can submit a hack that I found on the web. That topic was deleted by someone here at pbbans. So i sent the hack to bpc|Slaughter "my"server admin. Only because he had previously sent in hacks for submission. He apparently had the file partially opened but not extracted. And punkbuster caught it as a hack. Forget that issue we now know it was a mistake and its not somthing thats going to happen again. However in the future barring my posts do not get deleted where would I send "hacks" that are found on the web? I can send all the screenshots all day long in the end PB actualy having the hack in their hands would be a better result. I mean to have one of your admins call him a "CONVICTED HACKER" is pretty lame. Its not like the guy was actually using the hack. But lame people come into our server all the time with hacks that arent detected. And that was my point in tryng to submit that hack. So if our team is guilty of anything its us trying to do our jobs as pb admins.
  6. Ok here are his words as he is telling me I am Dean he is Jo [9:38:45 PM] Jo says: it was not opened on my desktop [9:38:52 PM] Jo says: it was only in my task bar [9:38:52 PM] Dean says: Oh [9:38:59 PM] Jo says: you should re edit it :P [9:39:17 PM] Dean says: How can the file be in your taskbar without being opened? [9:39:31 PM] Dean says: I dont understand [9:39:45 PM] Jo says: like i double clicked on the .zip [9:39:55 PM] Jo says: and i didnt touch to anything else [9:40:12 PM] Jo says: it was staying in my task bar [9:40:17 PM] Jo says: at the bottom of my screen [9:40:21 PM] Jo says: i NEVER extracted it [9:40:26 PM] Jo says: it was just opened [9:40:34 PM] Jo says: but not extracted to my desktop Well I know the drill about sending a ticket in to EB so I guess we will wait and see but these are his words and I hope you can see my point.And fyi neither one of those ss are of my admin Jo. He had no screenshot and it was just a ban. I guess its fair to say if i go on BF2 and take one of your clan tags and use it while hacking then im concidered one of your team and you all get screwed. Thats a pretty lame concept. Not that i would hack bf2 but you see my point. Oh and can i get my streaming servers back? :) Just kidding I know the drill.
  7. Ok fair enough I can see you're point. The streaming admin as im speaking to him while typing this here. told me that he tried to re-create his scenerio. The file was unzipped into a folder on his desktop. I guess that was stupid on his part. And I would like to thank you for actually giving me a person to person answer on this topic. I appologise for the bashing I gave to all pbbans admins. Only some deserved it and not all. Thanks again for the Adult conversation. I can see that you're service in the Air Force has made a respectable man out of you. Thanks for serving our country. You guys have balls of steel and deserve respect.
  8. Well Vac sucks anyhow css has alot of hackers too. But my statement was made when I was being ignored and my topics closed for no reason. I know you are a third party extension of evenbalance. And I'm not an idiot. Just made a post to raise some attention. And my bashing on PBBANS admins might be a little harsh. But i got threatened for making a post and felt a little pissed about that. It was a simple question and I never made any negative statements what so ever. Just a simple question. Then I was shoved a link to who knows what cause it wouldnt open cause guess what. MY ADMIN was taken from me. So apparently if one guy gets "caught hacking" the entire team gets to bare the brunt of EvenBalance or PBBANS. And you guys never even talked to me like a human you just threw me some bullshit without answering my questions. In the United States there is the freedom of speech. I guess it only holds true if your not on the recieving end of negative comments. So for you to ban me for making a statement is pretty pathetic.It only makes my point more understandable. And if your trying to make a point of those two bans.that you posted links to. The bpc|jedi is not in our clan and never was its a name stealer. bpc|T!me on the otherhand was in our clan at one point. So you posting that makes you look like your digging. bpc|jedi was an actual ss if i remember correct And why would we submit a picture of our own clan member hacking? You are attempting to make me and my guys look like fools. Please in the future ask someone before making a comment about a team member. Get your facts straight.
  9. I made a simple topic asking a simple question. then get treated like a jerk. I have never cheated at the game Enemy Territory ever in my gaming history. PBBANS admins are assholes and ill probably get banned for this topic but what the hell why not go down in a blaze of glory. And to think that you guys are running things is pretty sad. I asked a simple question and got threatened with a ban from the forums. Well then i guess this is my last post because your admin team needs to get their head out of their ass and help people. You dont even concider checking your appeals you just say to hell with it he's a hacker. So to anyone willing to read this DONT BOTHER TRYING TO APPEAL A BAN THEY DO NOT CARE. So to the pbbans staff have fun and im sure glad i never made a donation to such a losing bunch or wanna be admins. Our server caught alot of hackers in the few months that it has been streaming. Our admin had a hack that i sent him to get detected and apparently thats what was open on his desktop when he got nailed for a multihack. If you people would have answered my post about the hack then im sure none of this would have happened. But then again you dont care about anything cause you guys are all high and mighty. So I hope you guys start actually reading a post before you condem it. bpc|clan has always taken pride in being a hack free clan and if anyone is caught using a hack they are banned on the spot. But our reputation is in your hands and apparently you dont care. If only the new companies that signed up with even balance knew what kind of administration they were dealing with im sure they would have went VAC. Thank's for not caring bpc|ZoD
  10. We are ballistic clan and our 2 servers are pbbans streaming. Now my admin is gone and he had the access to our team page for admin on the servers. What do i need to do to get this admin back on pbbans.com? I actually rent the servers and need to know what to do to fix this. As i now have no control over the pbbans stream. Thank's, ZoD
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