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Everything posted by CritcH

  1. I discovered you cant do it and need to use /pb_plist for the player slot. I am a bit noobish at this so sorry for the dumb questions, but thanks for the answer m8e.
  2. I have (almost) succesfully setup our servers with pbpower and pb_rcon and have a nice list of commands that our junior members can use - but I am having a problem with status and pb_sv_plist and was hoping someone here may be able to help me out. they are both successfully entered in the list of commands and can be seen with a /rcon pb_sv_rlist when logged into rcon and have the correct points against them (which is only 20) and when you type /pb_rcon status or /pb_rcon pb_sv_plist in the command line the console returns the correct message on screen as if it has worked - Console:PB_RCON pb_sv_plist issued by [player] but the status or plist info is not returned in the players console (all the important info). Is this how it is supposed to work? If it is then how would you kick someone if you cant see what their slot number is? (we cant be faffing with typing in players names to kick them) All the other commands I have in my pbrcon.dat seem to be working ok (although I havn't tested them all). Map rotate and restart works for example. Any help on this will be appreciated
  3. thanks for the linky - I tried a search but it came up empty - didnt think to look in the DL section. This is exactly the info i have been looking for. Also I think (but am not 100% on this yet) that at least some of the players getting repeatedly black SS are infact all running COD4 through steam. Has this been noticed before - or could someone be just stringing me a line?
  4. OK I know this subject must have been bashed to death - but I was hoping someone would be kind enough to remind an old man with poor memory about the B codes on PB screenshots. If I recall correctly (B0) indicates the aplication is minimised and you will probably have a blank SS. (B1) is a game running normally and a screenshot should not be blank. Does this however indicate a screenshot blocker if the SS is blank - I cant remember? There is also a (B2) but I cant remember what this is at all. Sorry for bringing up these age old questions again - but I would be grateful if someone would help me out on this one. I have been looking through my endless list of PB screenshots on COD4 and found some blanks and would just like to clear up possible problems. Thanks.
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