Again, using this guy as an example He is being banned by pbbans several times daily, every day.
He has had the same IP number being banned from games all the way back to Quake 2 days.
If it falls back to serverops to ban an IP number, then the guy will be able to work his way thru several
thousand servers. When I look at his entries - the GUID is different for everyone one. The name is different
for every one, but the IP is the same. This is a condition that should not exist. I agree that static IP's present
more problems, but they shouldnt be able to generate Usernames and GUID's automatically that are accepted
by the system.
Thanks for deleting the duplicate account.
I have offered many suggestions to the PB team and they seem interested, but it just doesnt seem to have
any impact. Im hoping that the story about Intel working on a hardware monitor to work in conjunction with
games is the holy grail that we seek. (although, Ive seen dongles be cracked too, so I dont know, but if it gave
us a year or two for them to catch up, that would be worth it).