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Everything posted by llamakiller4

  1. It's always nice to see PBBAN leaving a 4 star General like this alone for most of the year, while wiping the stats of an honest 4 star General like RacerX79. This guy "made" 4 star General with 145hours of playtime and completely bogus stats. http://www.bf2player.com/index.php?page=st...&show=all-e It took me 10 seconds to figure out that Whis#1nfantry was a hack and PBBAN hasnt figured it out in nearly a year. Meanwhile, an honest player that Ive played with for years like RacerX79 gets no proof, no screenshots, nothing. Nice system
  2. Good answer Yourself4, That's an intelligent and well-thought answer. You have my thanks for that. I was beginning to think this post was going to collect dust.
  3. hehe True dat. Well... Bf2 rocked, but it was all their crappy add-ons and their iron fisted control over ranked stuff that earns them a crapper. The cheating thing is unfortunately a sad reality looking for a solution.
  4. And banned twice more on the 6th with different GUID's and Names, but with the same IP. Do I take the silence or lack of really addressing this post as admitting that PB is powerless even against a Static IP ? =============================== omgcowcowcow (2c43cf5c) PBBans BanID: 37108 * Date: September 6, 2007 08:43 pm * Game: BattleField 2 * PB GUID: f30869a1df2776ee5b7f5b952c43cf5c * Alias: omgcowcowcow * User IP: * Violation: VIOLATION (AIMBOT) #50084 * Violation Info: Violation (AIMBOT) #50084 * Caught on Server: * Caught by: i365 =============================== wqerf897gwhqef897t (177ac628) PBBans BanID: 37103 * Date: September 6, 2007 08:17 pm * Game: BattleField 2 * PB GUID: 16c3eae14db9c9da3383d75e177ac628 * Alias: wqerf897gwhqef897t * User IP: * Violation: VIOLATION (AIMBOT) #50084 * Violation Info: Violation (AIMBOT) #50084 * Caught on Server: * Caught by: i365 ===============================
  5. Look, the google thing is to demonstrate that the guy is a longtime habitual cheater that has beencheating (on the same STATIC IP NUMBER) for what, 8 years? Im not using Google to display his cheats, Im using PBBAN's on "LATEST BANS" He is in your records (Im going to use the last 3 days) repeatedly using an aimbot from a static IP number and every single incident uses a new USERNAME and GUID. This condition should not exist. If he's doing it, then many are and it means the system is failing. It means they are generating vailid ID's etc. Just because this guy is remarkably stupid doesnt mean they all are. But it highlights a weakness in the system. If they cant keep a guy this obvious off the servers, how can you hope to keep the smarter ones off? Here, I'll color code it - and once again, it's not from google, its from the the last 3 days of the PBBAN banlist. ================================== Dates Caught 6 different names 6 different GUID's 1 IP number ***************************************************************************
  6. Again, using this guy as an example He is being banned by pbbans several times daily, every day. He has had the same IP number being banned from games all the way back to Quake 2 days. If it falls back to serverops to ban an IP number, then the guy will be able to work his way thru several thousand servers. When I look at his entries - the GUID is different for everyone one. The name is different for every one, but the IP is the same. This is a condition that should not exist. I agree that static IP's present more problems, but they shouldnt be able to generate Usernames and GUID's automatically that are accepted by the system. Thanks for deleting the duplicate account. I have offered many suggestions to the PB team and they seem interested, but it just doesnt seem to have any impact. Im hoping that the story about Intel working on a hardware monitor to work in conjunction with games is the holy grail that we seek. (although, Ive seen dongles be cracked too, so I dont know, but if it gave us a year or two for them to catch up, that would be worth it).
  7. Since you ignored what I posted and focused on the "banlist check", I figure it must be important to you. Had I known of this I would have screencapped it for you. So I wasted some time joining again to get that screencap for you. Below is the screencap. Maybe someone else will address the post. BTW: That user was banned at least once more today and I suspect tomorrow a few times and the day after. have a nice day. LK4 (Im assuming they mean a board banlist, but my point is the same)
  8. I was looking over yesterdays list of the latest 50 bans and (just to pick one as an example) there's a guy with this IP who is on the recent list 4 or 5 times. The GUID changes each time, the Name changes each time, but the IP number is consistent. Why is it that a player such as this cant be kept off the servers? It looks like they are generating legitimate GUIDs on a day to day and even game to game basis. In fact, (with that guy) if you google that IP number, you will see that he has been repeatedly banned and kicked off of servers since back in the Quake 2 days. This forum board checks your IP against the banlist to let you in, cant PB even do that? I absolutely hate cheaters. LK4
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