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  1. Im going to pretent to be a nerd and say .."you dont mean format C and complete reinstall of windows do you" ? Ive just spent the last week getting this damn computer back up to speed after doing that. Please dont tell me thats what you meant........ :unsure:
  2. Duuuhhh yah lol Bit obvious that one. Im sure i can be forgiven because im into my second day of trying to get past these Trojans and ive tried AVG but also nothing no effect.
  3. Hi, ive got exactly the same problem done the same things reinstalled AA etc... I have tried to locate the infected file but nothing i have picks it up. What is an AVG...Anti Virus ..what.? Ive used Trojan remover and run norton but nothing works i cant play AA and im sick and tired of it all. Some extra guidance would be much welcome. Thanks .
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