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Everything posted by P0k3r_OF_Sm0t

  1. Yay! That did it! Thanks Maydax! Woohoo!!!
  2. I used the tool and it seemed to work but I notice in the event console that its ignoring pbbanshub and it shows that the server is not streaming. Did I do something wrong? Why is it ignoring pbbanshub? I checked and punkbuster is true
  3. Couldn't a server admin link a nick to the guid by looking at the server logs? I mean lets say "jack@ss" is making trouble on the server, you tell the admin by posting on their website, wouldn't the admin be able to look up "jack@ss" in the logs and match the guid? Then ban that guid? Also a little off topic, but wht the hell is the "reputation" thingy under everyones info over to the left? Just noticed that.
  4. Combattesting.com is working on a 3rd party admin tool BFBC2ADMIN so hopefully the GSP's will use it. Otherwise yes probably so
  5. Agreed! A hell of a Thank you Dice! Don't forget about Maydax, if it weren't for him this may not have happened! Thank you too Maydax! We already have our server on pre-order whoopee! Hope to kill you there on release day!
  6. All good now got a new ip Streaming and all, good thanks!
  7. That is weird the server is suppossed to be located in dallas tx.
  8. Changing it now, hopefully the new one won't be a problem. Thanks for the fast replies you guys. I still don't get it though, how is a rented server from gameservers.com on the mpi? Does that mean that it has been used a playing machine? Or did someone spoof the ip or something like that?
  9. Well If its blacklisted then I'm going to have to have it changed. Thank you
  10. I don't understand? This server is rented from gameservers.com I just purchased it last night. You're saying that I need to have the ip changed?
  11. Trying to add our new server and it said its blacklisted from pbbans?? What does that mean and why is that?? I just bought it last night, Haven't even joined it yet. Maybe the pb needs an update?? Anybody? Its AIX 2 ip
  12. All are streaming now, thanks to all and you can close this thread if want to.. Sorry to be such a newb when I've been a sga for awhile now. Now StFU & Play!
  13. I got the ranked server to stream thanks to fozzer's bf2 setup link that I missed because I'm a drunk moron.. Thanks fozzer!!!! I entered the same info that got my ranked server ranked to stream through cc into the aix server and still no stream. AIX server ip is Anything I've done wrong??
  14. Added them both to account, they are approved. One is AIX and it was streaming this morning but when you connected it said pb version on server was wrong. I set it up with the automated hub setup. PB has been successfully updated and works. However, when I tried to redo automated hub setup on it after PB was updated, the connection was refused. So I manually added the streaming info to the pbsv.cfg and still no streaming. The other server is a ranked public and It's having the same problem, connection refused on automated hub setup, and still no streaming after manually updating pbsv.cfg. Our old server is streaming fine still and I even copied the pbsv.cfg from it and put it on both new servers (editing nothing but the server's http access info IE: the ip for web access to server) and still nothing.. Can anyone help me?
  15. Yeah I know that part, My question is do they ahve to anything else to be sga again?
  16. NM Maydax just took care of me, THANKS MAYDAX!! Question though, do the rest of my members have to do anything besides enter guids?
  17. Sorry was away for a while, came back and fouind out not sga anymore. Is somethign supposed to happen when you hit apply?? Cuz it takes me to a blank page. Also I noticed my profile still has old clan stuff changed that and re-applied to the blank page again. Didi I somethign wrong or are we suppossed to goto a blank page when hit apply?
  18. Yes this feature is awesome!!!1 You should put it on a rss or xml feed too! That would be suuuuweeeet!
  19. What he said PBBans rules!!!!
  20. LOL!! I remember our first day of streaming ! I couldn't believe that many hackers came to our server and got banned!! Like merlin said you have announce bans on and those bans are coming from other servers. If fact these 2 came from ours [05.11.2008 12:33:03] 053b039fd7d5b29ab6f8d2038e3a6908 "=HC= L1verpoolFC****" "" Caught by PBSS (CROSSHAIR HACK) [05.10.2008 16:55:28] f3b144c888e4f1e044318d179cd058c6 "H2O-K-O-P-F" "" Caught by PBSS (FOG REMOVAL)
  21. Sup pops? How you doing?

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