We are now up and streaming to PBBans. The setup process was well documented and painless. Now that we are up streaming I have some general questions as to overall maintenance of things that I need to do as a server admin.
Our server is a World at War Server if that makes any difference in the answers to the questions below.
1.) Do I need to manually update the cfgs on a periodic basis? (pbsv.cfg, pbsvuser.cfg, MD5 Checks)? Or is this automatic?
2.) Do I need to manually update the pbbans.dat file for WaW? After going through the process the file did not create itself nor did I see anything added to it overnight. I assume this file is where the bans are added to when a ban is issued? In the server options I do have it set to announce and save the user bans.
3.) Hub Greetings - I notice some servers just have a general message that says Welcome Player XYZ to this server. Can this be a function of the Hub Greeting? I also understand from reading is that hub greetings will also display on all PBBans servers if you add one pinned to someones GUID?
4.) Are there any things I should be doing to report info back (screen shots, etc, etc)?
5.) Also, (not a function) of PBBans, but does anyone know how to do scrolling messages from the pbsv.cfg file? Just general announcements like you can get your stats from here etc.