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    Buffalo, NY

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  1. First off thank you for your reply. #1.) Is there any way to subscribe to an auto notice regarding when updates are made? #2.) Since I am live checking should I remove the PBBANS.DAT file? #3.) The second part of my question regarding the greetings is that if I put a greeting for a member of our clan based on the guid for when they join something along the lines of "=NZ=Legz is an admin, any problems please let him know". Would that also be displayed on other servers who have hub greetings enabled if he joined those servers. I am sure other servers who have hub greetings enabled would not appreciate that nor do I want to cause any issues with that. #5.) Thank you - I am reading the thread now. I appreciate your time in responding to my questions.
  2. We are now up and streaming to PBBans. The setup process was well documented and painless. Now that we are up streaming I have some general questions as to overall maintenance of things that I need to do as a server admin. Our server is a World at War Server if that makes any difference in the answers to the questions below. 1.) Do I need to manually update the cfgs on a periodic basis? (pbsv.cfg, pbsvuser.cfg, MD5 Checks)? Or is this automatic? 2.) Do I need to manually update the pbbans.dat file for WaW? After going through the process the file did not create itself nor did I see anything added to it overnight. I assume this file is where the bans are added to when a ban is issued? In the server options I do have it set to announce and save the user bans. 3.) Hub Greetings - I notice some servers just have a general message that says Welcome Player XYZ to this server. Can this be a function of the Hub Greeting? I also understand from reading is that hub greetings will also display on all PBBans servers if you add one pinned to someones GUID? 4.) Are there any things I should be doing to report info back (screen shots, etc, etc)? 5.) Also, (not a function) of PBBans, but does anyone know how to do scrolling messages from the pbsv.cfg file? Just general announcements like you can get your stats from here etc. Thanks Darrell
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