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Everything posted by emigrant

  1. Hello, game: enemy territory clanname: Emigrant
  2. OK, so my first informations are that the most powerfull will be using ESL configs + streaming to PBBans. OK?
  3. Hello, we wanna start discussion about not allowed Cvars in our favorite game True Combat: Elite the Enemy Territory mod. This is our petition: We hate tweakers We was thinking about what shouldn´t be allowed as for intervening in games. Actually, it shouldn´t be allowed to meddle in game files in any way, for it affects the idea of the authors of this game. Nevertheless it is clear that it cannot be always observed because even the authors may forget some optimalization and mainly players with weaker machines are obliged to meddle in the setting for the sake of preservation of the game flowingness. Yet this would be all right, it is understandable when someone adjusts lower color depth and the like to make his game run fluently with his hardware. Though as we see it, changing config in order to gain advantage over opponents is another thing. Whatever one may say, when there is a group marked as Ownage in the tweak guide, it probably won´t be just so. Therefore we would like to ask everyone who has certain experience with configs adjustment to write their hints regarding CVARs that should not be adjusted, possibly the extent of their setting that should be retained. If our intention succeeds those CVARs would be placed in PB config with prescribed values and every interested server admin could use this config. Thanks in advance to everyone for co-operation. We think that this could be practictable not only in True Combat:Elite Emigrant, Pigi and all others players from Czech Republic and fair playig people
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