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    Brothers in Gaming
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    Battlefield 2
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  1. We are completely up-to-date on all items. This hack is newer than any update available. I fear there isn't much that can be done because it seems to include (I won't rule out that dydrey is running more than one hack) the ability to manipulate GUID and IP. If that's the case, even getting EA and pbbans and pb involved (good luck with everyone working together on that, eh?) wouldn't be useful. The only option would be a hardware option, I guess.
  2. I know what this guy is talking about and want to clarify for him. There is a new hack from 18***. It is or has been coined the "Ghost Hack". BF2CC does not pick them up and they cannot be seen through, for instance, our control panel in our internet interface. Thankfully, they do register in the pblogs. Anyway, you cannot ban them. You cannot kick them. The hack essentially subverts everything you do, including allowing the player to ban other people (this just happened to our server Friday night). While trying to ban the guy he banned one of our members. The only way I was able to get rid of him was use the rcon command to block his name. Which, 24 hours later, he beat. I am awaiting his return to get a pbss, if I can, but considering it is a hack from 18***, I bet it comes back black. We have banned him on at least four occassions, each time with a different GUID and IP. Worse, according to the pblogs, his MD5tool and "handshake" are fine every time he joins. This is the most sophisticated hack I've ever seen. Has anybody else seen this? Does anyone know of any way of defeating it? dydrey has taken to entering our server virtually nightly to plague us with this hack.
  3. R u pulling my leg? And very cool on the Air Force, I did a four year hitch from 1988-1992, which means we served over the same stretch of time. After training in Texas, though, I got stuck in Washington D.C., at Bolling AFB not the Pentagon, and never got another assignment. :(
  4. I allow cookies, but I'll double check. Thnx.
  5. I am constantly being asked to login everytime I try to navigate through the forums. Hell, this is my second time posting this question because the first time, when I tried to preview my post, I had to log in AGAIN. I'm also getting the message with the enormous red x even though I'm registered. This is a little frustrating.
  6. Clan: Brothers in Gaming Tag: =BiG= Game: BF2 servers: & Thanks for the consideration.
  7. Clan: Brothers in Gaming Tag: =BiG= Game: BF2 website: www.brothersingaming.com We would like to stream to PBBans. We currently stream "72" to punksbusted, but I'm very dissatisfied with them. "208" is a relatively new server we just set up and it doesn't stream to anything. I'm the head of the clan. Karkinos
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