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    *Co2* Clan Brasil
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    Soldier of Fortune 2
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  1. Flip


    After a long search, here is the solution .. http://rocmod.rocclan.com/viewtopic.php?p=...2a1eb95539cd406 Many servers are with this problem ... The thing is very simple, and eventually launch this FIX if the problems Thanks
  2. After a long search, here is the solution .. http://rocmod.rocclan.com/viewtopic.php?p=...2a1eb95539cd406 Many servers are with this problem ... The thing is very simple, and eventually launch this FIX if the problems Thanks
  3. Flip


    Friends, thank you for instructions, But the server continues with bug, The bug happens when someone is connected on the server, so the player enters the server, all are disconnected and all ips are banned by PunkBuster. For the server back to normal I need type: pb_sv_banempty But immediately after that if a player connects with a different name and is the same bug. There is something I can do? ... I believe it is attacking the DOS, Enter a command directed to the ip of the server and is connected, so enter the server is the bug .. If you knew how he might be doing this, please help me ... Thank you Flip
  4. Flip


    In annex one screen of bug for the console. Unhappyly I did not obtain to correct bug. the server detaches and all players are banished. :mellow:
  5. Flip


    My friend {VOD} RodeoBob (BM), is not none admin of the server who is making this. I am certain of this therefore I only have the password of rcon. I believe that some player is obtaining to make this of some form. or then one bug in the archives of pb. he is possible? He would like some tips so that I can make tests to solve this problem. Thanks!
  6. Good night, would like to know the meaning of this bug, is happening varies times to the day in the server: shot follows screen. He is strange because he is not no administrator who is banishing the players. bug would like to know the reason of this. I am distrustful that it is some to hacker, using program or malicious code to sabotage the server. Summary of bug: the server is restarted and when the players try to connect again, they receive this message that is in screen shot It would like to thank the vocês gentility. Thanks a lot. *Co2* HardFlip BR - Sysop of the server
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