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    Delta Fox Squad
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  1. Hi again The thing is: when i wrote to Even Balance Technical Support (http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket), they asked me to do this: quote" I need some log information from you to find the cause of this kick. I want you to do the following: Join a PB server, and drop the console with ~, then type pb_logtofile 1 pb_writecfg Join a server and get kicked. Look in the "pb" folder for a file called pbcl.log. If you have hidden your file extensions, please make sure you open pbcl.log and not pbcllog.cfg! Paste the lines from there into your reply. " Unquote. i did that, but no answer yet. I don't know if they do anything, but i am no longer kick...may 1/2 a month (before, i was kick every day) Greetings
  2. Hi all Here is the explanation for that error message: Quote- The Key Packet kicks are an issue where the client is not able to send information to the server. Punkbuster needs to communicate with the server and as long as the game cannot do that the kicks will happen.- unquote that info about the pc, i sent to evenbalance.com... once again, THX
  3. hi all THX for the answers... before the format, i use the PBsetup (remove and re-install, even clean the registry), and the result were the same...thats why i tried to clean the PC it happend to all servers....take as few minutes or an hour, i'm allways kick out.... i send the problem for bf2 TroubleTicket... once again, thx for everything.... greetings Edit: RoadWarrior, explain that better, plz (i think) i have a good configuration game as well an internet connection it never had this problem before....i red a lot of solutions... it could b form the firewal?????? cya
  4. Hi all... Fisrt of all, sorry to make this post, but i don't know what to do. 1- what that mensage means??? 2- explaining my problem: i formated C: a month ago...intalled BF2, with PB...so far so good... i have comodo firewall, witch i created rules that allow both Pnkbstr A and B: destination (any) / port (any) / protocol TCP/UDP in and out i have avast after playing a while, i am kick by PB for 2 minutes........why?????? (i send a SS) thx for your help greetings
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