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Everything posted by =AKz=sledster

  1. It's good to hear that you will continue with the fight for fair gaming. I will donate and pass the word along to my gaming community to donate. I would like to see AlaskaGamerZ as donations....
  2. Thanks done and its streaming..... Best Regards, Sledster
  3. Ok, the first server is streaming. I used the admin control to add two more servers that are ranked by way of bf2cc b/c EA decided not to have ftp access to Ranked servers. Thanks for the Info MaydaX
  4. Hub Game:bf2 Clantag: =AKz=
  5. I must be entering pb_sv_uconlist wrong in bf2cc, Im getting no info? or Im getting wrong syntax This rcon cmd. does it have to be done in game console? Ok, I found the Info in I was looking for in the server logs... Me bad..
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