In the end I had to do it through the FTP, not as bad as I'd thought it would be. Shouldn't be my browser either as its internet explorer, still shows as an unselectable file though
It may be me, but the auto setup doesn't appear to be working. Selecting it from the menu, the box under the info is not available (i.e. small cross). Just wondering if its just me on that, oh well hey ho to the ftp I go .... :lol:
To quote my own Sig line on my clans site -
What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal. - Albert Pike
Think that says it all doesn't it? If not .....
1) - 99 percent of all SGA's came to PBBans to protect their servers
2) - Most of those stay because the system works, the forums are great for community tech support and because the mature professional attitudes that are brought to the table.
3) - PBBans will still be here doing what it does best back by the community, clans and leagues that it does it for.
4) - The community will still be here supporting PBBans for the help it gives them.
5) - I am personally here to safeguard my clans servers for the present and future. Where in that line does it say anything about the past?
Keep fighting the good fight