Enemies of War is proud to host the first annual Holiday War for Enemy Territory 2.55.
Holiday War will be a very fun event sponsored by GameServers to show off our holiday spirit.
Dec 21st & Dec 22nd 2007
Server IP is not yet available. Please register for up to date information.
Come one come all, everyone is welcome
Just register at enemiesofwar.com
To show off our Holiday spirit, have fun, and party like the Holidays are never gonna end!
A fun event that the server of Enemies of War (EoW) is doing and is being sponsored by
GameServers. The server will be online for 48 hours only so make sure you don't miss it!
The rules of this event are simple. The same as EoW's normal rules: No Botting/Hacking,
Respect Everyone, No spawn killing/ Spawn Camping, But mostly have fun!
So if you want to come just fill out the registration form from the link above. Hope to see you
there and if you cant, Happy Holidays from EoW to you!
If you have any questions, contact an admin at www.enemiesofwar.com
Thank You