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  1. Thanks for the help but ive tried the new .bat and im still getting the same error. I havent been able to find much about it myself.
  2. That seems like a good idea. I tried it out, replacing the game path of course, but now im getting an error from bf2. Any ideas?
  3. Well I think Ive found the problem. I had noticed pnkbstr a and b were both running after bf2 had closed and after startup so I had disabled it. It really needs to run on startup now and while bf2 isnt even running? If thats true then I guess I will have to quit bf2 because that is too intrusive, there is no need for it to be running constantly. Thanks for your help.
  4. I ran pbsvc.exe, uninstalled my old punkbuster and setup the new one and it is still giving me the same error edit: also neither pnkbstrA.exe or pnkbstrB.exe seem to be running
  5. Hello, I have been having a problem with punkbuster in BF2 for about a week now. After I join a game I am immediately kicked and get this warning. I have tried manually updating punkbuster and making sure my firewall allows it.
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