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Everything posted by JasonK

  1. Ok. Thanks alot BlackWolf.. Been awhile so things have changed alot :D I like the new server setup system by the way. The manual rcon commands drove me mad when running about 8 servers on it for tournaments. Good work :D
  2. Hey.. I'm a returning SGA. Haven't had a server on in a while. Please could you activate Team = ClanMeet States "requires admin approval" Thanks
  3. thnx for that mate :D
  4. Ok so I dont know if this is right, my account manager is saying its streaming?? does it not require activation to work?
  5. Please could you activate the following server PB commands have already been done. Thnks alot Jase.
  6. Heya @ndy Nice to see you get your post sorted out mate... lol If you need me to help you set up the server with the commands etc gimme a shout on Xfire and I'll sort you out man. :D
  7. hehehe, in my opinion, if its there to read then read it lol.. I've been spending some time looking through all the new sections etc, and will definetly be setting up the extras that are available. You guys seem to have this place well organised, it's a pleasure to be here to be honest :D
  8. Heya there could you please add "JONO" to my team account please... Thnx alot
  9. OK so all of the servers now state that they are streaming to you guys according to the team admin section. (they're all blue) Hope that its working right now. Thanx again dude :D
  10. Thanks very much Benway, Very fast and effortless, also thnx for your advice HUB sounds much better. Will be looking forward to streaming with you.
  11. saying that I would like to be able to have the sig and stuff and if I'm right you need a team account for this too?? I haven't streamed before so advice would be cool.. thnx ppls
  12. not sure if this is in right place or not now that I see the other topics :S sorry if it isnt
  13. If possible could I please have a team account created?? Tag: ClanMeet Website www.clanmeet.co.uk Game : Call Of Duty 2 IPs : (all weps public no mods) (Rifles Only Public) (Scrims server PAM2.04 private/member use (regular)) (Tournament server1 use=regular) (Tournament server2 use=regular) (Tournament server3 use=regular) (Tournament server4 use=regular) There is more servers to come soon, these are the ones currently in use. I am PM'ing a staff member with the login details I would like to use after this post. Then once done I will fully initialise all servers and begin streaming.. Also whilst im here. is there anywhere where my community can offer donations to the streaming service you provide? Thnks JasonK
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