Hi guys, I'm not from PBBans or a streaming PBBans member, I just wanted to offer a tool I made for your use as much as Punksbusted (where I originally posted it), as I feel any anticheat organisation has the same overall goals.
Basically this tool is designed to make it hundreds of times easier to generate MD5 hash checks for individual files, multiple files or even entire folders with user-specified file types. It also supports the dragging and dropping of folders onto the application, and even supports generating "full hashes" of files. For example, hashing every single byte of a file of any size.
Uhh, that's basically it, I don't mind if you use it or not, I'm just offering it for you guys - it's obviously meant for the people who submit hash checks of existing game files that come out with new patches etc. as opposed to every server admin.
Also, it requires the .NET Framework 3.5 Beta 2 (sorry, I know), I may be working on reducing that so it only requires v3 but don't count on it.
Anyway, additional details, 4 screenshots and a download link are available here : http://www.punksbusted.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=44406