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Peter UK

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  1. Anyone used this yet? Wondering if anyone has any comments on the tool?
  2. That I am. http://www.truhost.co.uk/md5/md5gui1.5.zip
  3. Bear in mind this is actually a GUI for EvenBalance's MD5Tool and it used to make generating checks using that more easy, it doesn't generate the checks itself, it's merely a nice and versatile front for a command line utility with a "not-so-great" output.
  4. MSN is easier (if you have it). Feel free to PM me here.
  5. In addition : please make sure to read the post over at PsB - both the GUI and md5tool.exe need to be placed in the directory of your game that MD5Tool defaults to. MD5Tool cannot generate hashes for files above it in the directory tree, so checks on files above the tool will simply generate not founds. I also wrote an algorithm with works out the relative directory so providing you put the GUI and MD5Tool in the correct place for you game, it should generate 100% ready to use checks.
  6. It will support any file just as MD5Tool does, selecting it without "GFH" checked will cause the first 2048 bytes of the file to be hashed, as is usual with MD5Tool. Selecting "GFH" will cause the entire file (every byte in 2048 chunks up until the last chunk) to be hashed, so it will obviously take more time depending on the size of the file. It averages around half a second for 2048 bytes, so a 2MB file full hashing could take 500 seconds, you can see how the time adds up, but sure, it can and will do it. Full file hashing is mainly for files which are often modifed by cheaters and that AC organisations want full checking over, or files which are released with a sensitive mod, for example.
  7. Hi guys, I'm not from PBBans or a streaming PBBans member, I just wanted to offer a tool I made for your use as much as Punksbusted (where I originally posted it), as I feel any anticheat organisation has the same overall goals. Basically this tool is designed to make it hundreds of times easier to generate MD5 hash checks for individual files, multiple files or even entire folders with user-specified file types. It also supports the dragging and dropping of folders onto the application, and even supports generating "full hashes" of files. For example, hashing every single byte of a file of any size. Uhh, that's basically it, I don't mind if you use it or not, I'm just offering it for you guys - it's obviously meant for the people who submit hash checks of existing game files that come out with new patches etc. as opposed to every server admin. Also, it requires the .NET Framework 3.5 Beta 2 (sorry, I know), I may be working on reducing that so it only requires v3 but don't count on it. Anyway, additional details, 4 screenshots and a download link are available here : http://www.punksbusted.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=44406 Peter.
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