Hello all that are reading this. I am new to this site and was reconmended to sign up to this site because i am known to catch hackers and am known to always get my man ;) My clan leader requested i go here to learn what i can because i am new to having admin rights to game server and he feels I am perfect for the job. My question is I been looking through the 1000 Pb ss's in our server and been finding it is only taking ss's of the imediate center of the persons screen like x=50%,y=50% I'm feeling ripped off by not being able to see the mini map on the top right and as far as i know some hacks have their hack menues on the far left area somewhere. I'm assuming i can download the server pbsv.cfg and edit it and then reload it back to the server. I have read the Guide you have on this site but have some fears that I #1 Don't want to mess up our server #2 want to expand the view it takes the ss #3 would like if some1 has the time i would love to speak with them on xfire, ventrilo even teamspeak on how to do this.
My xfire names is 4o9formula <<== the o is not a zero. Thank you in advance and hope to hear from some1 soon cause my mouth is watering I want to catch as many hackers as possible...
Ps. Caught 1 already he will not be playing on our server any longer. And have another fella that is a recruite and wants to be a full member and I want to investigate him better.