In that regards, I hope you go around and ban people with Directional Surround Sound on some nice EAX cards or users with those neat emulation Headphones for direction. Mostly, since I don't have it you know? I must just be to dang lazy to get to the store etc so forth. Hard to get around these days you know?
Kinda crappy that people can just run into any simple store and go buy a card that will help them locate users by sound alone that might give them a edge over us poor stereo headphones guys. Total ripoff that they can gain that edge just by plopping down a few bucks right? Complete and utter disregard for us that cant, wont or simply dont know how to go spend money. It's simply to confusing these days.
Sure the game might support that sound card, the emulation software that came with the phones is legit and works, but hey, it also supports the use of a USB mouse to right? What the hecks the difference? Yup, complete rip. Ban the Surround Sound users. Free the people. Down with the almighty dollar being able to be used as one wishes, in a legitimate non scripting, non cheating way. Hardware is the enemy right folks? Boycott the stores, boycott the games that support it.
Stop making games that support a range of hardware, make everyone use their PC like a console so no one person can have a better cpu, or better vid card. Heck with a FPS advantage where you perform just a bit better then me, forget the ram advantage where you can run smoother and get better rates. Yep, put us all on the same hardware, put us all on the same box.
Thats what you want right? Completely even, no advantages at all right? No neat sound, no better fps. lock it all down.
Cause if thats not what you want, your a hypocrite.
However, as given, I am not a hypocrite. I don't mind that some users have better hardware then me and get a advantage because of it. Sound being just the most obvious example to use. It is simply how pc's work. If I really want a completely level playing field I can always fire up the console.
Certain mouse manufactures include software with their mice. This software also enables one to change the sensitive of the mouse. Enabling fast switching from a sniper type low sens mod to fast mod, is this also then "cheating" because they just did something the makers of the game did not include. What about those neat bind buttons on mice to? The ones where theres like 4 extra on a mouse. Now, I suppose since someone might bind one of those to a key with the mouse software that the game might not detect (button wise) that it is also then "cheating".
For example, lets look at one of the most bought laser gaming mice on the market atm. The logitech G9 w/software.
^ note specifically the screen for the config where it has that little button for "macro"
Now this software is considered common, if not overtly so. Any user using setpoint with a compatible mouse can utilize it. You do realize what one could do with the maco part I am sure as you already noted it. Now, is using that feature of your hardware then cheating to? If so, you might want to let Logitech know dang near every product they made the last few years ( ~4) is a "Cheat Utility" and go see if Evenbalance can start banning Setpoint software from running on users PCs. I am sure that the Millions upon Millions of users of that certain set of software would be exceptionally interested in learning they are "cheaters". Blind side em like heck it would. In fact, I tell you what, you go get EB on board to get rid of Setpoint, and Logitech to stop making neat new products that share a majority of the market sales and I will be fully, 100%, undeniably on board. Till that point, I think your opinion is flawed logic and the statement that the majority of others would feel that way as well then which is my main pic here as you of course, as I, have a right to their own. But flawed is flawed, and incorrect statements are simply that, proven mostly because if that was true, the above issue would already have been resolved correct?
In all seriousness, can you really justify banning anyone just because they have something you do not? That you are fully capable of going and getting? That is simply a better functioning version of what you have? That ads no extra scripting to the game and uses only hardware to accomplish? Cause really, thats just silly in any manner, totally unenforceable and completely unethical on your part, given it applies to the not so far fetched examples I put above.
As well, one is not technically upset with you, nor your opinion. One just wishes that if a debate is to be had, as it very well should considering the nature of the issue at hand, that the both sides are well represented before another may inadvertently invoke their "opinion" into rule, before considering the repercussions of that action.
Of course, is one is hypocritical, this argument, being made on the basis of ethical across the board treatment of all would not be applicable here. I just assume one wouldn't want to be.