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Everything posted by Gunny_Hawg

  1. I don't hack never did and never will. I was claymore whoring with a ammo guy defending TV Station on Sharqi and killed one to many people and admins that game. I was PID hacked and my IP number does not change as I have it set for gaming static so if it was not a exact match it was not me sorry. My ban was lifted and I will continue to kill at the TV so bring lot's of medics lol
  2. OK I know that only guids are banned. Their are 3 guids now associated with my name now. WTF happens if one of the two that ARE NOT mine are banned by this hacking NUB as they are under my name now it seems am I gonna have my game play screwed with. Also can someone please look into who is using my name as their alias please. THanks again, Gunny
  3. Hey guys my in game name is Gunny_Hawg and I have seen in the last couple weeks one night that Someone PID spoofed me. They were using my name and PID at the same time as I was playing. I tried to track them down on the server but could not get online at the same time on the same server. Now I notice that I have 3 guids associated with my name and that is not correct. I don't hack and know that some loser screwed with my name using some hacking crap. Is their anyway I can get these false guids that are not mine wiped off of my account. I registered my guid with PBBANS when I had my server up so they know what one is mine. Thanks for your time Gunny
  4. [uSHF] US Hunting Forums (The Meat Grinder) (Sorry new site) BF2 Website http://ushf.proboards91.com/index.cgi Think I got it set up right
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