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Everything posted by KEIOS

  1. You can read our statement on our site. And you might think about the effects of language barriers and lack of communications as well. To keep it short: 1. We were not informed in time, that our access got canceled and 2. We do encourage our admins to dual- even multistream to other Anticheat Communitys. Together against Cheaters - thats what "Gemeinsam gegen Cheater" = GGC stands for...
  2. seems like you changed your mind, after reading the bfh forums? ;) welcome to another battlefield of community vs. cheats
  3. Welcome Back!
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. Keep up the good work! PBBans holds up the Standard, which every other AC Organisation has to reach!
  6. Stell im Servermanagement unter "Modify" folgende Einstellung ein: "Enforce Bans" und nimm daf
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