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Everything posted by Paparas_On_Dope

  1. Hey thanks for clearing this up mate. I Just logged in a server and I Looked up console fast as soon as I Joined and saw my guid ending in 89f. So thanks for everything guys and cya soon.
  2. The admin of the server said,This isnt your ip,not your hash.As you said they banned me localy
  3. It was DH or full name Dirty Heroes.Thanks for the fast response.Its definetelly not my hash. IP Thanks
  4. Hi there.I Am new to pbbans.com and thats not for good.I Have been playing bf2 for 2 years about and I Have never came accross such an issue again.I Was playing on a server with my normal nickname no tags just my nickname(I am not in clan so) which is Paparas_On_Dope.Its a 2 stars ranked account and I really got crazy when I Got kicked off a friends server reason BAN by ADmin.I Went to their ventrilo server cause i happen to know these guys and they gave me this link http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=43005 I went crazy when I Saw my name on it.However I Said many times that even today the name i used was Paparas_On_Dope simple and its definetelly not me since I Never get kicked from any servers for being on master ban list.I Can still play on all servers without any issue,but as people see my name on this guy allias they suspect i am cheating or just ban me as happened with the guys i said above. I Happen to know this guy lamer.noob that got banned,he lives in greece and I met him over the internet but I Never gave him my account password or something.I Wouldnt give my password to anyone specially in the account I Have so hardly earned. The guy at the clan that banned me,said it would be one of these ways that my name is in it or the fact the guy used a namehack or something.This guy lives in my country but I Dont have any way to get in touch with him other than xfire cause as I Might have said above I met him over the internet. I Really dont know what I Can do to prove ya that I am not the guy who got
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