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  1. thx mates... appeal? LoL what is it for he? i have request appeal and the result is: ban from is forum blocked on is MSN contact... LoL is a very child... Huff if u dont kick my for the high ping on ur server I come anytimes on... :)
  2. Thx for reply but the problem is that my nick if defamed from he on all server of AAO... :( so i cant do nothing for this?
  3. Hi all, i have a big problem with an admin, [-11th-]Rushyo, he have rosik too much on his server when i was on and so he write into chat message: PB-Certified Hacker [GSI]ziPPo[iTA] PB certified this??? my guid is totally clear!! He can do this??? Now i cant play that all players call me hacker and try to votekick me becouse they have read the text on his server help me plz thank you
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