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Everything posted by Frantic

  1. Sorry for the bump but I came across this while searching for the same info, there is three possibilities that will result in a kick: The player is using D3D Chams which uses a file called "ttnlog.txt" The player is using a cracked version of the game (not sure which author), but one of them contains the file ttnlog.txt The player has a Tom Tom GPS Event Logger which has a file called ttnlog.txt
  2. A simple way of fixing a mod editing your config would be to make the config write protected. Right click on it and check "Read Only".
  3. the server is streaming if you bother to check, and from when this account had sga privilages I remember reading that you have to black out the guid.
  4. Can anyone explain why this type of stuff would happen? Was randomly looking through todays PB Screenshots on my server and I came across it. Is it malicious?
  5. Ahhh, cheers mate. That explains it.
  6. Just wondering what this actually is, there has been three of these in the last week or so on my server, but they don't show up on the HUB, just wondering is it just like stolen CD Keys or what? This is a screenshot of the 2 bans in a matter of 2 seconds:
  7. 1) I am not stupid I have been a streaming server game admin up until very recently, the server is on my hosts account now. And I should of clarified, its Call of Duty 4, which does have an in-game record function, but I remember reading something on the forums maybe a year ago saying that you had to do something to the demo file, like to confirm it happened at a certain time or something. Just to prove they are streaming:
  8. Now I dunno if you still accept demo evidence, but is there any format or anything I have to do to the demo file so it is accepted? Or will I just leave it as it is and submit it?
  9. Yeah don't think you got what I am saying, the server is on our hosts account. But it doesn't matter, just asked the host to get the signature.
  10. Wasn't sure if this was the right spot for this, but we are going through our host to stream to PBBans and I was wondering if there was anywhere that I can find a signature or even a link to a banlist for those that are banned on the server. The current one in my signature has been long gone, forgot to remove it. The server is: Tag: razorbaacks
  11. Oh ok, just that there isn't an option to run the game in windowed mode. I believe there is a command but it crashes an awful lot. I also just found out it was on a hacking website that I saw the file :o Just thought it was a gaming website (since i searched it on google) and the file came up, wasn't until I looked at the rest of the forum that I realised what it was.
  12. Well I saw a file that forces CoD2 to run in windowed mode. But somone said to me if used you would be kicked and banned by punkbuster :S is this true?
  13. Hub Call of Duty 2 (CoD2) Unknown /
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