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Everything posted by DakotaDoc64

  1. Thanks for posting this, good way to get the community voice out.
  2. This is unfortunate to see, but I have to agree. This directly affects clans like ours as has the continued streaming problems since launch. Any course of action recommended? Petition our RSP to help, DICE to provide PBBans access, organize server admins to pull the plug on all MOH servers. I am not sure what the percentage of MOH servers are registered to stream to PBBans. IMO they should all be, but that is just my opinion. The only winners here are the cheaters. DICE, Evenbalance and RSP's have egg on their face. Our hands are tied, there is little we can do. The ones that are capable must recognize they need to support programs like PBBans that add value to their products. That goes for DICE, EvenBalance and all RSP's, we are their customer. If DICE cannot recognize that we need streaming services like this, to defeat cheaters that are blatantly violating their TOS, then gaming has really come to an end. It is in their ball park, if DICE is not on the side of the legitimate player, then they are on the side of the cheater.
  3. Great work, we all greatly appreciate your hard work and dedication. We must have your services to maintain a clean gaming environment for our members and guests. I (as board member) will continue to request to the board continued and increased monetary support of PBBans. We can never give in to the cheater community. The GSP and developers need to know, that if it was not for PBBans, many of their customers would be leaving what they have to offer. Most all people would abandon a game full of cheaters. Take a look at the longevity of any of the few games that are not supported by PB. And I must say, PB alone is not the solution.
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