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    Electronic Fuzion
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  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. Hey, Is it possible to have my team account changed. I don't know if i can do it but i remember before i had to request for it to be changed. Current Account ID: 1308 Name: mix0rs Tag: mix.uk To Name: CODAddicts Tag: CODAddicts (is it possible to put name and tag same? :S) Reason Team folded a while ago and i now run a site called CODAddicts and we are getting a few servers and i would like to get them streaming.
  2. enemy

    PB Banned

    So is it deff hack related? or possible mistake?
  3. enemy

    PB Banned

    Hey, Trialists tried to join my server and he got kicked but i don't know what this means and if it means he has a program he shouldn't have open ;) or if i dont need to worry. I have seen few people do this. http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/nat...e076d0f8c0a.png Regards
  4. ahh ty. I read it recommended to stream to both Pbbans and Punksbusted. How would i do that? Also how come on signatures part it says we have no servers streaming :s
  5. Hi, I'm not sure if my server is streaming correctly? IP & PORT is When i use the checker on the left it comes up as tag E-DOM (eurodomination league). Instead of clan tag etc.
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