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About Shelby15

  • Birthday 02/15/1971

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    Vancouver Canada

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  1. Thanks very much !!! Viewing their screen shots the are using chinese text.
  2. Lol... sorry !!! The game would be for BF2 and this chat is being typed as in-game chat.
  3. Hi there... I have a question that I hope someone can answer. I have noticed this type of text type quite often... recentley 00:27:10] kimkimseysey -> no_conversion_exists [00:30:28] TAKATAKA44 -> no_conversion_exists Thanks Shelby15
  4. Rob I agree with that statement because our previous server(s) were a breeze to set up. after reading the comment over an over, I believe it could be interpreted either way... possibly I interpreted it by the way the day had unfolded - a full day that is. We tried and tried to make things work even to the point where we had to submit tickets over and over to the server provider and them coming back to use telling us it is a PB issue and they could do nothing... Mister Giter finally posted on your site after hrs of dealing with game servers... It seemed like the buck was being passed and no-one not wanting to help us at all... I can tell you frustration levels were extremely high... Yes I posted the second time because I simply thought the first post never uploaded. After reading DaLynX & Fozzers replies they have handled the issue to what I would expect from my employees
  5. Running my own coaching development company for all sports the dynamics of all clients have different circumstances. With a reply like this, PBbans really need to screen their employee's/ volunteers a little btr... I guess this is what you get when there isn't a cost to the service and someone who is tired of their duties...
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