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  1. RodeoBob, Thank you very much!!! FWIW, I didn't detect anything negative or childish re: other ban sites, in the reply I got back from PBSD. Anyways, thanks again. Yours and the other ban site's fairness, including EB's (in reevaluating an appeal denied once) in this matter has been commendable. Open mindedness and flexibility are wonderful traits to possess. :) TimWallace
  2. Dear PBBans, Quote from Punkbusterd on the above ban: "Yes PsB is giving benefit of the doubt for this specific version of widescreen fixer for the specific dates when 1.30 was available. Your guid violation does fall under that allowable date range. I'm sorry for the inconvenience but only a few are being released under specific criteria. I had done the half dozen on bf2 but I missed doing bf2142 as I didn't realize at that time period it worked for 2142, sorry. I have released this ban violation from the NBL. It will start to go out to our member severs overnight. It will clear these servers over the next week depending on their update frequency rate they choose. You should see you guid here at PsB clear within a few hours. You will also take note that pbbans.com also has your guid listed on their little ban list as well. Don't know if it will affect you much." Well? :mellow: Gyre (aka TimWallace)
  3. Yep, that's it. Thx for the assist AcE! Gyre aka. TimWallace
  4. http://www.evenbalance.com//troubleticket/...40317feb04b7ef9 Is this enough to get PBBans to lift my ban? If you please do so, if not, please explain why not. Gyre
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