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Everything posted by Scimmy

  1. It falls under the requirements blatantly this server only started. I guess i will take it to ea! I just figured we could get it expedited.. I have my staff friends there!
  2. Ok just had these fools come into the server and start padding. Here is there info: [04.25.2008 22:37:31] bdbe3e8cedc61750e84c0cf330e9cf78 "Banzai_Chopper" "" Removed by Web Admin [04.25.2008 22:37:41] 32bd968eb5d75f66d010c5efa511d691 "Bonzai_Chopper" "" Removed by Web Admin [04.25.2008 22:37:45] 28bf185a61ae289ce5cb832874e75faf "Banzoi_Chopper" "" Removed by Web Admin
  3. I will donate at teh end of the month as well.
  4. I know of most of these sites since in testing for EA the last couple of years we have been tranking them down that way. We even found in open testing for Northern strike and Crysis the players who are faffiliated with some of them by creating names and accounts on those sites to spy on who has got what going on. And the funny thing is once you see those list it really dawns on you who in the top of the game are cheats that you swear by would never cheat.
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