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Everything posted by Mariobros

  1. Last night we have just changed our platform (windows server to ubuntu server) and maybe that's why servers are inactives. BTW... i don't have access (at the moment) to config files sorry. maybe I can give you our rcon password and then you try to fix it ?
  2. Sorry but I deleted, and created again. Waiting for approval, and then I will retry by using direct in-game method.
  3. ... boring I abandon :(
  4. I dont see anything on the applet window... :S Maybe a Java problem ?
  5. Nothing better with HLSW ... :(
  6. I've used the direct in-game method with console and logged has rcon. I am trying with HLSW
  7. I did it... But it seems that nothing happened :(
  8. MMh i think that I ever tried this... I retry :P
  9. Thx for fast reply. Then I have to re-add our server ? When i try to it says "server already streaming"
  10. Hi, I've just seen that our server is "InActive" so not streaming on PBBANS. Can someone help me ? (public) and I have just added our private thx
  11. En fait, il existe bien une solution que j'ai appliqu
  12. MMMhhh... J'ai essay
  13. Bonsoir, Je voudrais savoir s'il est possible, selon vous, de r
  14. IP: game: enemy territory HUB clantag: *FrogZ*
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