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Everything posted by tha17

  1. what if he hacks on that GUID? then i get a ban?? AND no, its not just LINKED!!! its a NEW guid under MY name.
  2. so out of no where i see another guid when i search my name in the MPI...its the bottom guid this guy from Europe linked me to his hacked accounts? can someone please look me up and take a look at it...i NEVER hacked at all and i would hate to ruin my reputation and SGA cause a random person is linked to my account. is there any way to get it off? what would cause this link.. i have 6 guids because u used to go to this gaming place that had a bunch of computers and i used my name on them...so i have about 4 linked guids that are from the gaming place and i guess are random guids. the other one (2009) is the computer i use now, and the only computer i play bf2 on...now all the sudden this other 6th guid comes up and it has a load of linked banns on it. it would be very helpfull if a admin could look at it rly quick...heres a link to the guy im talking about, and as u can see my name, tha17 is in there http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/results.php?srch...mp;safeview=yes
  4. our server was deactivated so...i 'reactivated' it my SGA didnt work and is still not working, should this fix it?
  5. for proof ;) i could get keylogged too ...u never know.
  6. i have been accused of hacking... can anyone tell me if the name: "tha17" has any type of ban regarding HACKING of any kind? i dont know how to do that :\
  7. THANK you soooooOOOOOOoooo much :-) and could you please delete this poast...or thread, thanks
  8. so does that mean im clean :-) what do i do now...
  9. soooo............. RePly :-/
  10. see thats what my probrlem is im so FKING confused. i dont know anyting your talking about !?!!?
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