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About bartman

  • Birthday 11/07/1971

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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. The only thing that you can do is ban him locally, as Maydax already said streaming was ofllne on that date.
  2. I for one would not even considering signing up for that league , as i have seen soneone cheating on our servers and they were auto banned here at pbbans , but yet that same person was clean at PSB ,, even though are server was streaming to both pbbans and psb when the player got auto kicked/banned by the hub. yet said player would still be able to play in that league ^^. not good at all.
  3. Thanks for the support guys , makes myself feel better for one.. and i will be sure to link this thread to our forums as i am sure the rest of the clan will be glad to read that it is not the case that everyone in the clan is automaticly tarnished with the same brush.
  4. Tonight i have both joy and frustration as being a streaming admin. Joy as i have caught another Haxor .. now 15 in total. But sadness as my 15th catch unfortunately was wearing our clan tags thus damaging our reputation as being a cheat free clan. But it just seems no matter how hard you try ,,and how many screenshots you view there is always one bad apple in there. The guy in Question : PunkBuster Server: VIOLATION (CVAR) #9001: =VFor=Roscoe (slot #17) Cvar m**_******* = 1 [11ab20d59d3f9fd90ead9c823d920d52(VALID) 86.148.***.15:49220] 16:=VFor=Roscoe PunkBuster kicked player '=VFor=Roscoe' (for 1 minute) ... Cvar m**_****** = 1 PunkBuster Server: Kick Command Issued (Cvar m**_******* = 1) for (slot#17) 86.148.***.15:49220 11ab20d59d3f9fd90ead9c823d920d52 =VFor=Roscoe PunkBuster Server: Lost Connection (slot #17) 86.148.***.15:49220 This member has been with us since 9th dec 07 , and i would not describe him as an active member as he has been awol for the last 2-3 weeks untill about 2 days ago when he just reappeared again. Tonight while playing on our public server with / against fellow clan members and the public he got Busted and as a result he has been imediately removed from the clan as we operate a Zero tolerace against cheaters. Luckily this member never played in any league matches while he was at =VFor= due to the fact of his poor attendance Another tought day at the office to have to take the flak that results when one person is stupid enought to tarnish the reputation of a whole clan.
  5. Another thing that still needs fixed , and i can't believe that it has not been fixed after 4 pathches is the pb_sv_guidrelax 7 issue. I Run a script on our servers which changes it back to 0 , after map restarts etc, but there are many servsr out there that don't , as i see quite a few people getting kicked from our server for duplicate cd keys. This needs to get fixed, and i know PB has changed versions a few times since cod4 launch,, which sugests to me that it is a cod4 scripting problem.
  6. make sure that you were actually connected to a server running punkbuster , and that it had scanned you before doing "/pb_myguid" to get your 32char guid ,, otherwise i think that you could get the wrong guid from what i am lead to believe.
  7. Just start streaming now m8,, it is so painless ,,and whats better hardly takes any admin time at all :P and guess what ,, you even manage to get some cheaters caught while at it :D
  8. Thanks added an iwd file to the main dir ,, and all worked fine after that. thanks to everyone for thir help :D
  9. arrrrrr must be getting late :P no matter what i try i just keep getting the following error instantly i launch the game ,, resulting in the game crashing / freezing. error : Error during initialization: No IWD files found in /main here is the startup line C:\cod4\iw3mp.exe +set fs_basepath "C:\cod4" +set fs_homepath "C:\cod4\vfor1" +set fs_savepath "C:\cod4\vfor1" +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip +set net_port 28960 +exec server1.cfg +map mp_bog then the folder structure is : main game instalation = C:\cod4 server1 instalation : C:\cod4\vfor1
  10. Server is windows. I am pretty sure i am messing up in the start up line , should the fs_homepath and fs_savepath have quotes ? e.g fs_homepath"cod4/server1" can you post one of your complete start up lines so i can see what order u have the settings in.
  11. I have read that info before from the evenbalance webby , but when i tried that all i got was no iwd files in main dir error
  12. When running 3 versions of COD4 on a dedi box , do i have to have 3 seperate full cod4 folders? As that is the way i have it atm , but am looking to run them from 1 main cod4 folder due to hard drive space. But the problem is how do i assign each its own PB folder for screenshots and different pb configs ? what do most other people here do that run multiple servers? thanks
  13. Hi , i have a few questions related to this topic 1. Do you's share the same bans ? 2. Is it possible to stream with both yourselves and them for double security if you's DO NOT share the bans lists. 3. Would a server streaming to two MBL sites generate any xtra lag / stress on the servers.
  14. Thanks for the replies guys.. lost this post origonally,, hense my reply delay :D I am currently using the pb_sv_task as well to reset it back to 0 thanks
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