I used to play bf2 and then moved on to bf2142 I have had a widescreen ever since I could remember and soooo many games never supported theme so I would allways use widescreen strechers or fixers.
Anyway so I thought to go back to bf2 just for some fun with old freinds on my favorite servers and I was banned, so I thought to myself what have I done so I tried other servers and I was able to get it. So I took this up with evenbalance and they said I should talk to you guys about my ban at pbbans.
Is their some kind of proof you have of me cheating like a screen shot or something because as far as I know using widescreen fixers are not cheats.
I found my info on the master player ban index.
- <Ban> <BanID>41261</BanID> <Date>Tue, 09 Oct 2007 20:48:24 -0500</Date> <GameName>BattleField 2</GameName> <GUID>349c2f5ffd721bf5fb5aa7486d7880eb</GUID> <Alias>Jumper_26</Alias> <UserIP></UserIP> <Violation>VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) #89105</Violation> <ViolInfo>Violation (GAMEHACK) #89105</ViolInfo> <ServerIP></ServerIP> <ServerTag>i365</ServerTag> </Ban>