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TGL - ?_DK_?

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About TGL - ?_DK_?

  • Birthday 02/20/1971

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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. EB should just make their PB based bans PUBLIC, then we would have something to compare the MBI. Places like PBBans would still be extremely useful for other types of bans, the Mci as well as all of the other cool stuff they have done with the HUB. (BTW, I'll be renewing my subscription ASAP, just got a notice it ended, but I'm short of funds this month)
  2. I support this message!
  3. Be careful WHERE you get your Key from... The only safe way is a retail boxed game, at least if you plan on playing in leagues. Back when the Nvidia 4800Ti came out Newegg offered a "free" Cod2 game with it, It came in a paper sleeve with the Key on the outside of it... I didnt install it right away, but I did a year or so later and after I became a League Admin I searched on my own GUID's I found that the COD2 CDKey was used by someone else prior to me using it, it was used only twice on streaming servers and not used to cheat. But now at least on PsB that player is forever linked to me.
  4. +1 here... TGL would look into it for sure if there was a complaint.
  5. Safer method... as it provides links to Evenbalance. 1. Delete the PB folder from the game directory (and in C:/Users/[username]/AppData/Local/PunkBuster/CoD4 if you are using Vista) 2. Go to the following URL and download PBSVC from the first paragraph: http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsvcfaq.php 3. Use PBSVC to uninstall the services. 4. Run PBSetup (found at http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php) to reinstall PunkBuster (this will also reinstall the services). 5. If that still doesn't help, go to http://ssl.evenbalance.com/troubleticket and the Even Balance support team will help you further. I found this in another forum
  6. OMG, agent's an AC admin!

  7. As far as I know, they only spoof names, not PID's or GUID's yet. I came across this tool though, might be useful to some http://raycaster.info/hackbuster/index.php
  8. Go here http://www.pbbans.com/account/server.php Add the server info and follow the same steps you did to get the 1st one streaming. If its the same game, you can usually just copy the relevant files from one server to the other.
  9. Team ?_WHO_? Dontated $20, we will try to donate more in the future
  10. Dependable and compentent

  11. Your better off appealing to Evenbalance, ask them about the violation code, tell them what "beta" software you were running. If EB lifts #89105 then Pbbans will remove your ban.
  12. Um, Total Gaming League has Zero tolerance :P Any ban, any time, any ONLINE game. Pub, Scrim, Match... It does not matter. If the ban is verifiable and from a reputable source it earns them a PERM ban from TGL
  13. Did this violation also trigger a global ban by evenbalance?
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