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  1. If I had a wish it would be......catch 100% of cheaters. Oh and be able to ban them forever! That is all! GJ guys! PS. Next time PB has a memory leak maybe it wont take them 10 months to fix it.
  2. Quote: Added protective technologies aimed to jam unsafe memory scanner of PunkBuster anticheat system and this way prevent this anticheat system from crashing graphics hardware when RivaTuner resides in memory I think that says it all right there. I don't know maybe you guys are just so smart and think way beyond the problem and skip over the obvious....yes any system with this going on would be unstable and very vunreable. Yeah computers only do what people tell them to do but just like anything else in this world after so long of doing something BAD it's gonna let you know one way or another. Just like I stated before...if PB wont fix the BAD issue then enough people will complain to the OEM's then that corporate phone call will be made then it will all be about the all mighty dollar and shit will get fixed. Definition of memory leak...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory_leak
  3. OK guys I found this in another forum that fits this issue to a tee! That is what my system does except for the last part. His memory usage drops right after disconnecting it looks like but mine stays at about 75% of what the peak memory usage was. So yeah you could say what is going on is causing lag. Not video card, not internet, not bad components, not bad drivers, not etc. etc. etc. Guys I understand that this is the support site for PBBans but I know you guys have got to work close with each other and I really do appreciate what you do to fight off cheats in online games but this issue falls on deaf ears when someone turns in a ticket and says "when you gonna have a patch for the memory leak issue". LOL! This is what I get back...(this is my second web ticket responce, the 1st one was do this try this yada yada no help did all of that but did it so it would make the guy feel better) 11/18/2007 22:24:16 - "Stuart Dunsmore" Note #2: Where is the leak? Where is it occurring? How do you know it is leaking? Now this is a known issue in PB but this is the kinda help that I get. Well I guess them guys in the web ticket department have been told to buy some time for the coders with the basic run arround senario. LOL! That might work for the 1st few months but this is going on atleast 3 months now. So I am looking everywhere I can to get this issue resolved 1st month was game forums PB web ticket 2nd month PB web ticket 3rd month game OEM's that PB works with and here. Don't know if you made it to page 5 of the AA post but this was a good read here as well... This is something the developer of Rivatuner put in one of his change logs regarding PB. Quote: Added protective technologies aimed to jam unsafe memory scanner of PunkBuster anticheat system and this way prevent this anticheat system from crashing graphics hardware when RivaTuner resides in memory. Unfortunately new 1.7xx versions of PunkBuster client (debuted on 04.17.2007 with Battlefield 2142 client) caused major system stability issues in conjunction with wide range of applications accessing hardware via user mode MMIO address ranges. Apart from scanning executable code new PunkBuster services also fully scan data memory ranges of each process, which is critically dangerous when it comes to applications accessing hardware registers via memory mapped I/O port user address ranges. Unauthorized access to hardware mapped memory ranges performed by anticheat system's memory scanner may cause unpredictable results including hardware failures and freezing. The problem is not specific to RivaTuner and also covers wide range of ATI and NVIDIA oriented diagnostic, overclocking and monitoring tools (e.g. ATITool, PowerStrip, HIS iTurbo etc) developed by third parties as well as by certified AIB/AIC partners. The situation had been investigated with help of Battlefield 2142 gamers community and is fully documented in RivaTuner's support forums, however, many inexperienced gamers never visit forums or read documentation and still wrongly interpret these crashes as instability of third party tools including RivaTuner, hurting software reputation in different forums this way. Unfortunately, the problem is still neither fixed nor documented by Evenbalance, furthermore, the situation got critically worse in the end on June 2007 when Evenbalance launched the same unsafe PunkBuster clients v1.7xx for America's Army, Call of duty, Call of duty 2, Enemy territory: Quake Wars, F.E.A.R etc. Due to this sad reason I cannot longer wait for response and fix from Evenbalance and risk RivaTuner software reputation because of anticheat system issues. The following features are introduced and aimed to prevent RivaTuner from being improperly accessed by PunkBuster or any similar memory scanner: Process protection. Now RivaTuner reduces its own access privileges after startup to prevent simple user mode memory scanners from accessing RivaTuner's process virtual memory. This protective technique is enabled by default, but it can be disabled by setting ProtectProcess registry entry to 0. MMIO protection. Now RivaTuner hides MMIO range into kernel mode address space instead of user mode address space to prevent any other user mode application form accessing hardware improperly. This protective technique requires each graphics hardware access operation to be transferred via RivaTuner's kernel-mode driver, so it increases CPU performance hit caused by RivaTuner's background processes (e.g. hardware monitoring) with approximate factor of 3x - 5x. This protective technique is also enabled by default, but it can be disabled by setting ProtectMMIO registry entry to 0. Paged MMIO access mode. Now RivaTuner is able to use paged access to MMIO range, mapping only desired MMIO pages for access instead of mapping whole registers aperture. This mode is only available when MMIO protection mode is disabled. Paged acces mode can be activated by specifying power-of-two page size with MMIOPageSize registry entry. Note: most of these protective techniques will be enabled by default until the problem is fixed in PunkBuster. I realize that the protective techniques will cause side effects such as increased CPU load even to those who never play PunkBuster protected multiplayer games, but unfortunately I see no other ways of protecting software reputation against inexperienced gamers spreading rumors about RivaTuner instability. It you don't play multiplayer PunkBuster protected games or if you're not affected by crashing caused by it then it is strongly recommended to disable all the protections mentioned above. But what I gather from this guys change log is this issue started on 4/17/2007. So that should tell PB something happened with that update and it hasn't been fixed yett. Like I said I'm not an expert by no means on a computer but I think I know how to trouble shoot problems. I started thinking this was a video card issue or a RAM issue or drivers or yada yada and check all of that. I have 2 systems here one AMD the other Intel and they both have the same problem both have completely diferent type set ups one with AGP graphics the other with PCIE. This issue goes on much longer and I'll put my money on the corporate guys at the game OEM's making a few phone calls then we will see a patch that fixes this issue. So yes PB is updated and everything else has had anal probes run thru them. Thanks guys for ANY help you can provide in this matter!
  4. I have an open trouble tickets on this issue and am getting no where. I am getting no help with this issue at all. Is a matter of FACT everyone on this issue has been getting the run around for the past 3 months since this issue started. If you would read the entire topic at the AA forums you would see that. Evenbalance states they are aware of the issue and are working on it....for 3 months and still no resolve. This issue is not just AA it is every game that PB runs with. So I guess it is just gonna take time before enough people complain to the game makers that PB has a memory leak that they either can't fix or simply wont fix. Then it will come down to a money issue and the problem will get fixed. This issue is a lot deeper than PB thinks it is...I'll be willing to bet that 80-90% of the people out there have it they just relate it to internet lag or a weak system or just plain don't have a clue. It would just be nice to get a straight answer as to what is going to be done with this issue.
  5. Did that answer your question? Or is everyone in denial? What is everyone's take on this issue? How can it be solved? This is a serious issue and I don't understand why anyone can't get any reasonable help on this issue from Evenbalance/Punkbuster.
  6. LOL! You must be the same guy that does the web ticket system. Please visit this post and it will explain the problem very well. http://forum.americasarmy.com/viewtopic.ph...ght=memory+leak Mainly page 2 where it dates back on Sept. 12th it states from King Fisher..... "Evenbalance is aware of the situation and issues you as well as others are experiencing. At this time there is not anything you can physically do as a remedy unfortunately except wait for the next maintenance release. As noted I realize your frustration, but don't get to discouraged. The guys at evenbalance certainly do not want to hamper the games they try to protect and always strive to try to resolve issues as quickly as possible without leaving games to vulnerable to malicious play. If and when I hear any further details on a timeframe I will post any information approved to release. Hang in there." But the whole post is worth reading if people have this issue and it seems a few people do. Now I am not an expert with computer code by any means but I have friends in the field and from what I have gathered from them and what you can pull up on the net about memory leaks leads us to beleive that it is caused by bad code and not hardware related. I have this problem and I am looking for a solution. Can anyone here help with this issue?
  7. I have the pb memory leak and I am wondering if there is any kind of fix for it yet?
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