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    Veteran Elite Tactical Squad
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  1. 15 hours later they both went off again and never again streamed
  2. mine both seem to be streaming again after applying the above codes.
  3. Holy shit waddaya know i refreshed and 1 pops up streaming as if by magic. however ille go refresh again to see, if they both come up in next few mins ille reply again lol
  4. I had a few probs a week or so ago with streaming with mulitplay, i managed to fix that after MPUK & PBBANS were teling me it was the other parties fault... however no matter what i do now they wont stream again, i guess we are i nthe same boat. if you raise a ticket at MPUK you wont get it corrected bcus they blame PBBANS for the problem. so looks like we are stuck in middle earth until they both actually do something together and sort it out.
  5. yup seems to work have been away 2 days working and just got baxk and they are still going, looks like ille apply the same to the other 2 cheers
  6. seems like i am still winning 2 servers still going so if its still up on tuesday i will do the rest of the servers
  7. well might have some good news as i had 1 server streaming i looked at code and used it for 1 other server ...so far i got 2 streaming with no drops nearly been 36hrs for the 1st and 24 for the 2nd... i will update tommorow
  8. sure does. Well I am trying 1 more time i have redone my scripts using the 1 that is streaming, lets see if that works
  9. well i jumped on IRC only to be told by pbbans and mpuk it was each others fault, and all the admin did at pbbans was tell me its not thier fault so bollox to it. If they cant be arsed to help out thaen i wont use the system simple as that . cheers for trying buzz as i said i have appreciated your help. dobbs out.
  10. well something must be correct for 1 server cus i havnt changed nothing today and it was streaming last time i looked today, so that must of kicked in itself. I will take it further tonight to see if anything is different on that 1. thx for helpo so far much appreciate it
  11. No nothing has changed, i removed the pbsv files and am now using pbsvuser files, i ran the suggested fix by pbbans as in post #1 again and they ran for 24 hours, i looked this morning and none are streaming again. Getting a bit annoying now as yesterday we had some dodgy ss on 1 server when i looked it wasnt streaming so it wouldnt count anyway.. I think ille have to goto IRC# and see if i can get an admin to help out, or the other option i got is to go back to PsB.
  12. Yea i noticed that on saving a profile it was saying that pbsv was not safe and use pbsvuser instead....... ille look into it
  13. Basically what mine is is a copy of the cvar & md5 checks that get generated at pbbans, i just upload that... I dont know if that is correct but streaming only runs wheni put the commands in i quoted in #1 post. Then after a while it stops. So really last 6 lines are just md5 chks
  14. I Run 4 servers and they keep dropping off streaming, I have tried using the fix using PBweb tool as follows but no luck FIX I Upload my updated cfg files manually via CLanforge @ multiplay as there is no FTP access to my dedi pro server.Any help appreciated thx
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