I have a few small issues I would like to ask help on..
On our Dedicated Server box we run 5 instances of COD4, all ranked
all run in the C:\COD4 directory..
I have no problems with any of the servers firing up and running, I have had no problems tweaking each server config file, these are labled srv1.cfg srv2.cfg and so on..
what I am having problems with is :-
the Rcon utility released by codhq will log into any of the servers, however if I try and get rcon access while playing I cannot connect..
I have tried reading 3 COD4 Forums and found no hint to why this is..
after hitting the ~ while playing I enter the following syntax
rcon login xxxxx
rcon_password xxxxx
login xxxxx
I have also tried all 3 with a slash in front, none of these will get me into the system to remove a troublemaker, so untill now I log out of my game, remote to the server box and kick troublemaker from there.
As you can see this isnt the best way to do things.. so what am I doing wrong here.. and once logged in, how do I know I am actually in??
This brings me to my second question.
I banned a foul mouthed abusive player a day or so ago, he is listed in the ban.txt in the main dir, but can log straight back in.
the console gives me a message that the ban.txt is in the wrong directory or something simular..
Now, from what I have read on PB each of my servers needs to run a seperate PB per server instance..and I need to add something to the start script to do this..
I have no idea how at this point in time..
Ideally I would like all 5 servers to use the same ban list if possible, ergo if we have a idiot on one server they loose access to all cod servers we host..
Would someone please be so kind as to help with these 2 issues please..
Thank you in advance..