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Thx BlackWolf for the link, all is clearly documented. Concerning Bans, it doesn't matter for the moment, I just want to bust cheaters from my server. Bye Fraggers !
Hello I've finally managed a @home server, running very fine, but without PB. After having studied: ET docs, OmniBot docs, JayMod docs, I must now study PunkBuster docs ... As I just begin with PB, I must configure itself before thinking of automatic PBBans streaming. So my question is just: Where can I download a doc with the list of all CVAR implicated in PB ? For info, my PB is up-todate : PunkBuster Server (v1.640 | A1382 C2.042) Enabled Thanks in advance $martiz
:D or a Core2 Duo & fiber-channel ... thx - when following the link Punkbuster, I found this FAQ http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=faq-rtcw.php : many clues : Norton antivirus, lower priority in TaskManager for ET.exe, etc ... many tries to do @+ CLM
Hello Just for fun, I own a server @home (ET255-patch101+JayMod217+OmniBot066) with max 10 bots and total of 30 slots. Without PB, the server is fluid, and I even can join the game on the same PC without lagg (for me or other players : I just ask them) When I enable PB, then join game, I feel there is a lot of lagg. PB is updated for my server and my client to the latest version of PB. My PC is quite old (but remember all runs fluid without PB): - Celeron Tualatin 1400MHz - 512 Mo RAM - ADSL with 120 kBytes/s in UPLOAD (verified) So is there any system requirements about the overload of PB or do I encounter another problem ? Thanks for your help. $mart, leader of a bot's team ;)
grrrrrrrrr - you are right - it still fails one or twice per day - but I look for a tool as a watchdog to re-launch it as it crashes (no crontab under micro$oft ....) - will tell you if I find it ! Bye - $mart
OK thanks for the info and your speed !!! Bye
Hello For my ET server, I try to run pbweb.exe, but the tool stopps like that: PBWEB v1.4 This program is © Copyright 2002 by Even Balance, Inc., All Rights Reserved. pbweb must be launched from the home "pb" folder where the game is installed. If launched from another location, pbweb will not be able to update PunkBuster. If you experience a problem with this program, email [email protected]. Please attach the generated pbweb.log file and also supply the following info: 1) Which Game, 2) Operating System, 3) Internet Connection Type, and 4) Any other details that may help in resolving the problem. Starting pbweb to check for PunkBuster updates via world wide web Initializing ... (please wait - ctrl+c to cancel) Resolving www.evenbalance.com Resolved to Checking for PB Client updates Game: et Attempting to download pbsec.htm (please wait) Received File pbsec.htm (1402 bytes) File already exists: htm\wa001382.htm htm\wa001382.htm successfully converted to dll\wa001382.dll Attempting to download htm\wc002010.htm (please wait) **ERROR from Web Server: A7000 2AC8D0AF79EB6A1EF3387ED8F8CFBA2F 8B9C92A2FE794FB5 0DB7599DFBD00BAD r:\_et\pb\dll\wc002010.dll<p>78DAECBD7B5C5465FE387E863303030C9E 5107454544A516C52D6AE8133864DC6624757010192005<p>6D4562272BD219A2021C3A8CCDE169C C766DD7DA76CBDADAF6D665B735DBCA65C0 Checking for PB Server updates Game: et Attempting to download pbsecsv.htm (please wait) Received File pbsecsv.htm (1402 bytes) File already exists: htm\ws001285.htm htm\ws001285.htm successfully converted to dll\ws001285.dll dll\ws001285.dll copied to pbsvnew.dll File already exists: htm\wa001382.htm htm\wa001382.htm successfully converted to dll\wa001382.dll File already exists: htm\la001382.htm htm\la001382.htm successfully converted to dll\la001382.dll Removed dll\la001382.dll - not needed File already exists: htm\ma001382.htm htm\ma001382.htm successfully converted to dll\ma001382.dll Removed dll\ma001382.dll - not needed Attempting to download htm\wc002010.htm (please wait) **ERROR from Web Server: A7000 2AC8D0AF79EB6A1EF3387ED8F8CFBA2F 8B9C92A2FE794FB5 0DB7599DFBD00BAD r:\_et\pb\dll\wc002010.dll<p>78DAECBD7B5C5465FE387E863303030C9E 5107454544A516C52D6AE8133864DC6624757010192005<p>6D4562272BD219A2021C3A8CCDE169C C766DD7DA76CBDADAF6D665B735DBCA65C0 Attempting to download htm\lc002010.htm (please wait) **ERROR from Web Server: D2824 8FCA1322CE84B013DF124FA49522F587 9D6A35B199376D93 77B8A83095D127B3 r:\_et\pb\dll\lc002010.so<p>78DAD47D0B80D453FBFFB7DD996A7756F71 4929084A4DDAD14A1FB85ADB6B61B629B9DCBEE687666<p>9A99DD762BA44228A2104AAB8B2EE20D 214421B7DC720F218410720FE1FF79CEF97 Attempting to download htm\mc002010.htm (please wait) Press a key to exit What must I do please ? Thx
thx Chris & BW for your attention :rolleyes: Chris, yes I've tried the version OB 0532 (advice read in previous thread of BlackWolf) but the result was the same. And I do not use any mod, just ETmain 2.55 with or without patch 1.01. In one hand, I am sure it is not a bot mode issue (idem with OmniBot/FritzBot/BoBot) and is due to the http download bug of 2.55 In the other hand, BlackWolf, you are right: if I install JayMod in the same version of you, we will be in the same configuration - so I am confident in your opinion: maybe the JayMod acts also in "purifing" or "fixing" some behaviours of this fabulous game ... I can dream and am going to install this satan
Thanks chris to answer me ! I've tried OmniBot (0.532 + 0.66): on my FTP server basename is ./omnibot/et_omnibot.pk3 Idem with BoBot and its two files: ./bobot/bobot.pk3 and ./bobot/mp_bin.pk3 I can not remember with FritzBot, but crashes idem after some new players (it is randomize: once the third connection, once the 10th connection) You see ... not too many files (maxi was 2 ...) @+ $mart
Hello I encounter the 1st bug in the list of fixes than 2.6 brings :lol: : the http download crashes. My URL redirection is good, because many players can download the PK3 file of the mod. But sometimes, the server crashes and the last message in the console is: ... dowload bobot/mp_bin.pk3 <== crash occurs sometimes, so no second line with 'beginning ...' Is there a way to workaround this problem, or am I obliged to patch 2.6 or to forgive mod ? (In the 2 cases, nobody will come on my poor server ) Thanks in advance, $mart PS : for Linux servers a fix exists for 2.55/2/56 and seems to resolve at least my download bug [Link Removed - I know you were not attempting to link to anything nefarious, but Google indexes this forum & thus can't have cheat site distribution links :)]
Hi - I do not see any cfg files with this variable (maybe Jaymod file) I just use ETmain + OmniBot. For info - I've tried yesterday with OB v0.5.3.2 - and did crash after 1 hour (5 bots Axis + 5 bots Allies + 2 or 3 human during this "happy" hour). I really think to forgive Bot Server - because due to all the tries I make, I am loosing my rating and play less skilly <== is this admin syndrom :) ? New info : new try with Bobot mod (french one - no waypointing but neuronal research). The crash appears exactly like with OmniBot (after the connection of some new player randomize) - I post about it a new thread. Bye (and see you on ET)
Hi Chris - sorry I don't speak english so I can not understand - i think humor ? ( Google traducts for me in french : "Comment le 2,56 sc
OK thx - I will try 0.61 with ET 2.56 (no ETPub or Jaymod - just ETmain in my case) (I am a beginner with ET) Bye
Hello BlackWolf I also have crashes with ET2.55 and OmniBot 0.66 (on Windows XP) for a home dedicated Internet server (for my friends, my son and me). It crash sometimes one hour after launch, or 12hours. When I've discovered a patch 1.01 for ET2.55 server, I thought it was THE solution ! No, even in "2.56", still crashes ... Of course, when patching 2.6b, server never crash (more than 24h) but just one or two human players come to play (I read you have the same pb of lack of visits in 2.6b) So, another idea was: let's try an other bot mod ! Yesterday, uninstall+clean install with 2.56 and FritzBot ... crash comes just after warmup !!! (and no crash in 2.6b) So, Black, my question is: Did you manage a mod bot with 2.55 please ? Thanks, $mart