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Everything posted by queenie

  1. Thank you so much. Queenie
  2. OK [uRG]JWS said he added me..And said now i have to wait you you guys..how long will it take? Queenie
  3. Thanks Again
  4. URG united respectful gamers...And thank you
  5. How do you become a streaming admin for your clan?.. We all ready have people doing this but there is 2 of us who can not..help please. Does the head admin need to do this this or is it on our end of things. Thanks Julie [Queenie]
  6. can you make me a streaming admin? please

  7. Thank you
  8. Is changing your packet dup a hack or not. I have seen people say they change it to 5 or higher. Now i think 1 or 0 is good, But any higher is my ?. cl_packetdup1 is the default Queenie
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