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Everything posted by Unleashed2k

  1. R6 fixed it. topic can be closed/deleted. "This build also fixed the issue some were having with the wrong IP and/or port being seen by PB streaming."
  2. but I can't connect to anything revolving that IP... rcon, game panel, etc says the other ip, yet everything else goes to My GSP says it's the other IP and not so should I just add as the IP here? I'm just totally confused. If I update my pb configs and all that on the other IP, it will work for the this ip ( aswell?
  3. Well I tried it again. I still have the default server port on here as but am I supposed to use the RCON (4888) port? It shows not streaming with the auto hub install. I dunno what to do.
  4. I posted in the wrong thread. But yeah I guess i'll continue it here instead of double posting in two areas. I'm with MyIS and I have tried setting it up via hub, manually, and rcon and pbbans still shows it not streaming. My server IP is like you said. Cafe Flesh HARDCORE FWF Clan Server I'm not sure what to do now since i've tried everything. I must be doing something wrong. I set the port to 19567 on here. Am I supposed to put 48888 instead? My welcome letter: IP Address and Port: Server IP: Command Port: 48888 Event Port: 48889
  5. Sigh. It still DOESNT show on here that it's streaming. so what do I do now. ugh. ;/ this is frustrating
  6. Had some problem before R5. i'll just talk to them Thanks.
  7. I cannot connect to RCON using that IP. I get "InvalidPasswordHash" but if I put in IP I have, it works. I'm not sure what to do now?
  8. Cafe Flesh HARDCORE FWF Clan Server
  9. I'm still having the same issues as packet_loss. I am with MyIS and I have tried the Automated Hub Setup, setting everything up manually, AND BC2 Guardian.I've noticed when I enter all the commands in RCON, and I type pb_sv_uconlist it just gives me PunkBuster Server: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name]with nothing else. But yeah i've tried everything in the book and i'm stumped. I have zero clue whats wrong. me messing around in rcon w/ pb -- oh nice. gotta love EA everyone just dropped. ROFL // I've tried emptying all the files, then letting the auto hub install do its thing, then it still doesn't runmy pb ucon keeps getting the above config in there too. so both shows, but its empty atm i've set it to just "// Used to enable PBUCON.".. hopefully i'm overlooking something.(i've checked ip, it's right) Thanks if anyone can help me figure this out. I'll be online by 9 or 10 est. - Mark (Unleashed2k - Unleashed to Kill) (p.s. my config my post got screwed up and had to retype alot, so if anythings out of place you know why)
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