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  1. hrhr alles klar
  2. up to now it seems to work with just the original pk3
  3. hmm, same problem... game starts and brings me backtodesktop ... think it
  4. Hello community, i ve got the following problem. I ll start my serverbrowser (XQF) n start joining a server. After this the map loads and i get back to desktop :unsure: >>> 0 custom graphics specified stitched 0 LoD cracks ...loaded 3728 faces, 358 meshes, 180 trisurfs, 52 flares WARNING: reused image gfx/2d/blender_180.tga with mixed glWrapClampMode parm trying gfx/2d/custom1.TGA... CL_InitCGame: 4.66 seconds 19 msec to draw all images Com_TouchMemory: 0 msec ^0v^7g^0c^7*^0ri^7gg^0ler^7 entered the game (^1RED^7) ^7*^2def^7jam^2*^7 entered the game (^4BLUE^7) epic>progamer^7 entered the game (^4BLUE^7) ^0n^1u^0b^1'^7 entered the game (^4BLUE^7) ^0OutOfTheBlue^7 entered the game (^1RED^7) ^7R3^1Q^7UICK3N^7 entered the game (^1RED^7) Teso^7 entered the game (^1RED^7) ahwala^7 entered the game (^4BLUE^7) Received signal 6, exiting... Shutdown tty console ...and i started to google for the problem. :angry: I
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