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Everything posted by tremor77

  1. You can choose what you want to ban for if you edit the pbsv.cfg / pbsvuser.cfg --- however, when the above problems occur its like an undefined error... PB just fires that message out because something is wrong, but it just doesnt really know what. I know the hunk alloc problem can be mostly be resolved by getting your players to /set com_hunkmegs 128 additionally i think you should not pick and choose things to ban or not to ban for... the best way to reduce cheating and keep fairplay is to stay united on what is and is not acceptable among as many servers as possible.
  2. My settings on a Linux Server with 1.2.3 didn't work with pb_sv_restrictions 0 on either... then I turned off venom & increased my server memory allocation... problem magically went away.. not sure which one made the difference, i'll go with venom.. turn it off... see what happens
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