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  • Birthday 06/02/1976

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  • Interests
    Gaming and catching cheating punks!
  • Location
    Michign =USA=

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  • Game Played
    Battlefield 2142
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  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. Server is streaming now. Thanks for all your help. My members and I are glad to help PBBans on Fair Gaming. MTMEX
  2. Thanks for the reply Woolf. All your help is much appreciated. Sounds easy enough, just got to get this server streaming. MTMEX
  3. Well I don't understand what you are telling me here, but then I get the point. Is there some where I can go to see the exact proceeder on submiting information to PBBans? And the log information that you mention is located where? This is my first server and I don't know too much right now. Any help or links to help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, MTMEX
  4. Alright thanks. I just thought I was doing something wrong on my end with the streaming. I don't want my server to be known as a "free to hack server." Fair gaming is our top priority. Also our website is temporarily down. We are changing host and will have a new fresh look to it. It should be up very soon. I also have some screen shots of a player that I caught for hacking that I will be submitting to you, but I didn't have a chance to get his IP. I have the proof,name,clan tag,date,time, and hash. Thanks and we are glad to help. MTMEX
  5. I've already filled in an application. Would my server be streaming before or after my application is submitted or approved? From what I can tell my server should be streaming, but on your site it keeps telling me my IP isn't in your system.
  6. I am trying to stream my server to pbbans, but for some reason it won't respond. I uploaded the pbsv.cfg and pbucon.use files to my server file manager. I went through step by step, many times, with your "Setup Streaming Guide." When I check the ucon to see if it is enabled by using pb_sv_uconlist command, I'm getting no response. I phisically checked the pbsv.cfg file and it seems to be in order, but I don't notice anything changed and my server IP isn't showing up on pbbans. I've tried the troubleshoot this with your guide, but nothing responds. I updated pb from my server control panel and went through the setup streaming guide again and I am still getting the same results. Is there something I'm missing? Thanks for the help. My server IP: powered by: leetservers BF2CC version: 2.1.2628
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