Okay, I know this has been posted alot and its probaly annoying to the people who have to answer this. But Before posting I did research a little and checked up on things that might help, Ive tried them all and yet it still kicks me out from everyroom i join either immeditally or a few secs even mins into the round.
Either from Service Abnormalitys or Loosing key Packets. I'm not to sure what that means but everyone says to update your PB. So i looked up a few sites and tried nothing happend. Here is the list of things that iv tried but no luck. Any other ideas?
Installed Bf 2142
Installed Patch 1.40
Ran game Kicked due to service abnormalitys
Unistalled game
reinstalled game
downloaded patch from new source
installed patch
still kicked for same reason
Deleted PB reinstalled PB using
pbsvc.exe and pbsetup.exe
right clicked my computer>Manage>Service & applications>Services
PnkBstrA was started
PnKBstrB was off so i started it
Running On Vista UAC is off
Im not sure how to put it into admin mode. I have one account on my pc i login to. Its always on but when i right click the icon and try to set it to admin mode it wont click its greyed out.
Also the game don't run on vista unless i put it to another os compatablity. Like 95,98,2000,net ect
some says insert disk and try again others have freeze errors
not sure what it is but i can play it if i set it to 95 for sure
I also updated with these from evenbalance
I wasnt sure which i needed so i did all the below ones
PunkBuster (BF2142) Security Files
Filename: pbsec.htm
PunkBuster (BF2142) Player Client Files
# PB Client v2.018 for Win32 (and Mac Cider version) Filename: wc002018.htm
# PB ClientA v1375 for Win32 (and Mac Cider version) Filename: wa001375.htm
PunkBuster (BF2142) Server Files
# PB Server v1.604 for Win32 (and Mac Cider version) Filename: pbsvnew.dll - last updated 12/03/2007
# PB Server v1.604 for Linux (32 bit) Filename: pbsvnew.so - last updated 12/03/2007