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Everything posted by Snyper

  1. rgr that, thanks for all of your guys input.
  2. I know that PPBans cant do anything about it. What I am asking if there is anything that I can do. He has been caught with Violation #70568. Am I wrong thinking that, that is a PB Violation or is that a PPbans Violation?? I guess thats the real question!!!
  3. Question about bans. if someone it caught hacking and is banned from PBBans. Appeals it and it is denied. Will PB put that person on the GBL? And if so, how long does it take for that to happen? If not, what can I do to get it on that list. The reason I ask, I know of a player that has been caught hacking and would just love to get his GUID banned from PB. He has been nailed in PBBans. What can I do to help this ban take place. This person has really pissed me off to no end. He was a former clan member. Thanks
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