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Kinsman last won the day on September 29 2013

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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. because i applied the patch in the control panel, and now the servers say they are R2, before they were R1
  2. All good, I applied the R2 patch and we are streaming now.
  3. Our I3dnet servers are refusing to stream, nothing but Header Mismatches, and interestingly if I try to update this. PunkBuster Server: No Master Query Sent - DNS has not yet resolved for MASTER2.EVENBALANCE.COM Does this mean they need to update the server, PB, or both perhaps?
  4. This, they co-developed Fairfight with I3dnet. I worked with Greg from MyIS during the BF3 testing of it.
  5. Fairfight is completely backend based, there will be no interaction required from Server Admins whatsoever. I had some limited access to it during testing in BF3 because I was helping MyIs with their testing. heres a FB post from a friend who is currently holed up with DICE in Stockholm all this week.
  6. Our SERVER never goes down, but it might as well when the connection to BLAZE drops. ;-)
  7. The thread on battlelog is actually pretty hilarious. Players are so clueless when it comes to understanding WHO actually pays for the "free" servers they love to play on. Personally I'd be happy if DICE learnt how to properly mirror a database around the world, instead of expecting every server on the entire planet to connect to blaze in Europe. If they had put some effort into that perhaps we would get servers that stay up more than 12 hours.
  8. Yup, no-one can tell you whether they are hosting or not. Seeing as I do not have an NDA, I can tell you that I3dnet are, but I can't tell you how I know that.
  9. Good to see your organised MayDax, now might also be a good time to mention that lots of people here's GSP's will more likely then not have been denied BF4. Heres a petition fwiw. https://www.change.org/petitions/don-t-slim-the-battlefield-4-gsp-list
  10. Down again I guess. :(
  11. Confirmed and Streaming. :)
  12. Will it not re-add them at some point though?
  13. Thats known, its Rackage. Unfortunately Hypernia is pretty much a monopoly here in Australia.
  14. Ok, so the solution for now is AutoUpdate via the Hub then? For all us poor people who cannot afford pbsvuser access. :rolleyes:
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